A note concerning a tidying procedure and contraction groups in non-metrizable, totally disconnected groups

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In a 2004 article, Udo Baumgartner and George Willis used ideas from the structure theory of totally disconnected, locally compact groups to achieve a better understanding of the contraction group U_f associated with an automorphism f of such a group G, assuming that G is metrizable. (Recall that U_f consists of all group elements x such that f^n(x) tends to the identity element as n tends to infinity). Recently, Wojciech Jaworski showed that the main technical tool of the latter article remains valid in the non-metrizable case. He asserted without proof that, therefore, all results from that article remain valid. However, metrizability enters the arguments at a second point. In this note, we resolve this difficulty, by providing an affirmative answer to a question posed by Willis in 2004.

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