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Nilpotent orbits in classical Lie algebras over finite fields of characteristic 2 and the Springer correspondence

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 نشر من قبل Ting Xue
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
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Let $G$ be an adjoint algebraic group of type $B$, $C$, or $D$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. We construct a Springer correspondence for the Lie algebra of $G$. In particular, for orthogonal Lie algebras in characteristic 2, the structure of component groups of nilpotent centralizers is determined and the number of nilpotent orbits over finite fields is obtained.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

188 - Ting Xue 2018
Let $G$ be a simply connected algebraic group of type $B,C$ or $D$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. We construct a Springer correspondence for the dual vector space of the Lie algebra of $G$. In particular, we classify the nilp otent orbits in the duals of symplectic and orthogonal Lie algebras over algebraically closed or finite fields of characteristic 2.
168 - Ting Xue 2007
We give the number of nilpotent orbits in the Lie algebras of orthogonal groups under the adjoint action of the groups over $tF_{2^n}$. Let $G$ be an adjoint algebraic group of type $B,C$ or $D$ defined over an algebraically closed field of character istic 2. We construct the Springer correspondence for the nilpotent variety in the Lie algebra of $G$.
100 - Ting Xue 2016
We describe the Springer correspondence explicitly for exceptional Lie algebras of type $G_2$ and $F_4$ and their duals in bad characteristics, i.e. in characteristics 2 and 3.
We prove most of Lusztigs conjectures from the paper Bases in equivariant K-theory II, including the existence of a canonical basis in the Grothendieck group of a Springer fiber. The conjectures also predict that this basis controls numerics of repre sentations of the Lie algebra of a semi-simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic. We check this for almost all characteristics. To this end we construct a non-commutative resolution of the nilpotent cone which is derived equivalent to the Springer resolution. On the one hand, this noncommutative resolution is shown to be compatible with the positive characteristic version of Beilinson-Bernstein localization equivalences. On the other hand, it is compatible with the t-structure arising from the equivalence of Arkhipov-Bezrukavnikov with the derived category of perverse sheaves on the affine flag variety of the Langlands dual group, which was inspired by local geometric Langlands duality. This allows one to apply Frobenius purity theorem to deduce the desired properties of the basis. We expect the noncommutative counterpart of the Springer resolution to be of independent interest from the perspectives of algebraic geometry and geometric Langlands duality.
We define the notion of basic set data for finite groups (building on the notion of basic set, but including an order on the irreducible characters as part of the structure), and we prove that the Springer correspondence provides basic set data for W eyl groups. Then we use this to determine explicitly the modular Springer correspondence for classical types (defined over a base field of odd characteristic $p$, and with coefficients in a field of odd characteristic $ell eq p$): the modular case is obtained as a restriction of the ordinary case to a basic set. In order to do so, we compare the order on bipartitions introduced by Dipper and James with the order induced by the Springer correspondence. We also provide a quicker proof, by sorting characters according to the dimension of the corresponding Springer fiber, an invariant which is directly computable from symbols.
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