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From inflation to late acceleration: A new cosmological paradigm

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 نشر من قبل Supratik Pal Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Supratik Pal

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A new idea of deriving a cosmological term from an underlying theory has been proposed in order to explain the expansion history of the universe. We obtain the scale factor with this derived cosmological term and demonstrate that it reflects all the characteristics of the expanding universe in different era so as to result in a transition from inflation to late acceleration through intermediate decelerating phases by this single entity. We further discuss certain observational aspects of this paradigm.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In the framework of polynomial Palatini cosmology, we investigate a simple cosmological homogeneous and isotropic model with matter in the Einstein frame. We show that in this model during cosmic evolution, it appears the early inflation and the acce lerating phase of the expansion for the late times. In this frame we obtain the Friedmann equation with matter and dark energy in the form of a scalar field with the potential whose form is determined in a covariant way by the Ricci scalar of the FRW metric. The energy density of matter and dark energy are also parametrized through the Ricci scalar. The early inflation is obtained only for an infinitesimally small fraction of energy density of matter. Between the matter and dark energy, there exists interaction because the dark energy is decaying. For characterization of inflation we calculate the slow roll parameters and the constant roll parameter in terms of the Ricci scalar. We have found a characteristic behaviour of the time dependence of density of dark energy on the cosmic time following the logistic-like curve which interpolates two almost constant value phases. From the required numbers of $N$-folds we have found a bound on model parameter.
Unimodular gravity is an appealing approach to address the cosmological constant problem. In this scenario, the vacuum energy density of quantum fields does not gravitate and the cosmological constant appears merely as an integration constant. Recent ly, it has been shown that energy diffusion that may arise in quantum gravity and in theories with spontaneous collapse is compatible with this framework by virtue of its restricted diffeomorphism invariance. New studies suggest that this phenomenon could lead to higher-order equations in the context of homogeneous and isotropic Universe, affecting the well-posedness of their Cauchy initial-value problem. In this work, we show that this issue can be circumvented by assuming an equation of state that relates the energy density to the function that characterizes the diffusion. As an application, we solve the field equations analytically for an isotropic and homogeneous Universes in a barotropic model and in the mass-proportional continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) scenario, assuming that only dark matter develops energy diffusion. Different solutions possessing phase transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion are found. We use cosmological data of type Ia Supernovae and observational Hubble data to constrain the free parameters of both models. It is found that very small but nontrivial energy nonconservation is compatible with the barotropic model. However, for the CSL model, we find that the best-fit values are not compatible with previous laboratory experiments. We comment on this fact and propose future directions to explore energy diffusion in cosmology.
We explore the possibility of baryogenesis in the framework of quintessential inflation. We focus on the model independent features of the underlying paradigm and demonstrate that the required baryon asymmetry can successfully be generated in this sc enario. To this effect, we use the effective field theory framework with desired terms in the Lagrangian necessary to mimic baryon number violation textit{`{a} la} spontaneous baryogenesis which can successfully evade Sakharovs requirement allowing us to generate the observed baryon asymmetry in the equilibrium process. Our estimates are independent of the underlying physical process responsible for baryon number violation. The underlying framework of quintessential inflation essentially includes the presence of kinetic regime after inflation which gives rise to blue spectrum of gravitational wave background at high frequencies. In addition to baryogenesis, we discuss the prospects of detection of relic gravitational wave background, in the future proposed missions, sticking to model independent treatment.
Intrinsic properties of the space itself and quantum fluctuations of its geometry are sufficient to provide a mechanism for the acceleration of cosmological expansion (dark energy effect). Applying Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon hierarchy approa ch to self-consistent equations of one-loop quantum gravity, we found exact solutions that yield acceleration. The permanent creation and annihilation of virtual gravitons is not in exact balance because of the expansion of the Universe. The excess energy comes from the spontaneous process of graviton creation and is trapped by the background. It provides the macroscopic quantum effect of cosmic acceleration.
85 - C. Wetterich 2020
Models of inflationary cosmology admit a choice of the metric for which the geometry of homogeneous isotropic solutions becomes flat Minkowski space in the infinite past. In this primordial flat frame all mass scales vanish in the infinite past and q uantum scale symmetry is realized. The cosmological evolution is dominantly described by the slow increase of a scalar field which sets the scale of all masses. We construct the primordial flat frame for standard models of inflation as Starobinsky inflation or chaotic inflation. In particular, we discuss the evolution of inhomogeneous solutions in the neighborhood of the homogeneous isotropic background solution and their relation to the observable primordial fluctuation spectrum. If the propagators for the graviton and scalar field remain regular, our observed inhomogeneous Universe can be extrapolated back to the infinite past in physical time. In this case there is no physical big-bang singularity -- the latter reflects only a singular choice of ``field coordinates. Independently of the issue of singularity the primordial flat frame offers a new view on the physical properties of the inflationary universe.
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