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The QSO proximity effect at redshift <z>=2.6 with the FLO approach

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 نشر من قبل Valentina D'Odorico
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We revisit the proximity effect produced by QSOs at redshifts 2.1-3.3 applying the FLO approach (Saitta et al. 2008) to a sample of ~6300 Ly-alpha lines fitted in 21 high resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra. This new technique allows to recover the hydrogen density field from the HI column densities of the lines in the Ly-alpha forest, on the basis of simple assumptions on the physical state of the gas. To minimize the systematic uncertainties that could affect the density recovering in the QSO vicinity, we carefully determined the redshifts of the QSOs in our sample and modelled in detail their spectra to compute the corresponding ionising fluxes. The mean density field obtained from the observed spectra shows a significant over-density in the region within 4 proper Mpc from the QSO position, confirming that QSOs are hosted in high density peaks. The absolute value of rho/<rho> for the peak is uncertain by a factor of ~3, depending on the assumed QSO spectral slope and the minimum HI column density detectable in the spectra. We do not confirm the presence of a significant over-density extending to separations of ~15 proper Mpc from the QSO, claimed in previous works at redshifts <z>=2.5 and 3.8. Our best guess for the UV background ionisation rate based on the IGM mean density recovered by FLO is Gamma_UVB ~ 10^{-12} s^{-1}. However, values of Gamma_UVB ~ 3x10^{-12} s^{-1} could be viable if an inverted temperature-density relation with index alpha=-0.5 is adopted.

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[Abridged] We present FLO (From Lines to Over-densities), a new technique to reconstruct the hydrogen density field for the Lya forest lines observed in high resolution QSO spectra. The method is based on the hypothesis that the Lya lines arise in th e low to intermediate density intergalactic gas and that the Jeans length is the typical size of the Lya absorbers. The reliability of FLO is tested against mock spectra obtained from cosmological simulations. The recovering algorithm gives satisfactory results in the range from the mean density to over-densities of ~30 and reproduces correctly the correlation function of the density field and the 1D power spectrum on scales between ~20 and 60 comoving Mpc. A sample of Lya forests from 22 high resolution QSO spectra is analysed, covering the redshift range 1.7<z<3.5. For each line of sight, we fit Voigt profiles to the lines of the Lya forest, providing the largest, homogeneous sample of fitted Lya lines ever studied. The line number density evolution with redshift follows a power-law relation: dn/dz=(166 +/- 4) [(1+z)/3.5]^{(2.8 +/- 0.2)} (1 sigma errors). The two-point correlation function of lines shows a signal up to separations of ~2 comoving Mpc; weak lines (log N(HI)<13.8) also show a significant clustering but on smaller scales (r<1.5 comoving Mpc). We estimate with FLO the hydrogen density field toward the 22 observed lines of sight. The redshift distribution of the average densities computed for each QSO is consistent with the cosmic mean hydrogen density in the analysed redshift range. The two-point correlation function and the 1D power spectrum of the delta field are estimated. The correlation function shows clustering signal up to ~4 comoving Mpc.
Understanding the relationship between the formation and evolution of galaxies and their central super massive black holes (SMBH) is one of the main topics in extragalactic astrophysics. Links and feedback may reciprocally affect both black hole and galaxy growth. Observations of the CO line at redshifts of 2-4 are crucial to investigate the gas mass, star formation activity and accretion onto SMBHs, as well as the effect of AGN feedback. Potential correlations between AGN and host galaxy properties can be highlighted by observing extreme objects. Despite their luminosity, hyper-luminous QSOs at z=2-4 are still little studied at mm wavelengths. We targeted CO(3-2) in ULAS J1539+0557, an hyper-luminos QSO (Lbol> 10^48 erg/s) at z=2.658, selected through its unusual red colors in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey (ULAS). We find a molecular gas mass of 4.1+-0.8 10^10 Msun, and a gas fraction of 0.4-0.1, depending mostly on the assumed source inclination. We also find a robust lower limit to the star-formation rate (SFR=250-1600 Msun/yr) and star-formation efficiency (SFE=25-350 Lsun/(K km s-1 pc2) by comparing the observed optical-near-infrared spectral energy distribution with AGN and galaxy templates. The black hole gas consumption timescale, M(H_2)/dM(accretion)/dt, is ~160 Myr, similar or higher than the gas consumption timescale. The gas content and the star formation efficiency are similar to those of other high-luminosity, highly obscured QSOs, and at the lower end of the star-formation efficiency of unobscured QSOs, in line with predictions from AGN-galaxy co-evolutionary scenarios. Further measurements of the (sub)-mm continuum in this and similar sources are mandatory to obtain a robust observational picture of the AGN evolutionary sequence.
Recent observations have shown that the intergalactic medium (IGM) is more transparent to Lyalpha photons close to Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) than at large distance from them, ie a proximity effect. Cosmological simulations including winds from LBGs have been so far unable to explain this trend. By coupling such simulations with the radiative transfer code CRASH, we investigate whether the addition of the ionizing radiation emitted by LBGs can increase the transmissivity by decreasing the neutral hydrogen fraction in the inner Mpc of the galaxy halo. The transmissivity as a function of distance is roughly reproduced only if LBGs are identified with dwarf galaxies (with masses < 10^9 solar masses), which are undergoing a vigorous (50 solar masses/yr) burst of star formation. Similar star formation rates in larger galaxies are not sufficient to overwhelm the large recombination rates associated with their denser environment. If so, photoionization partly reconciles theory with observations, although we discuss a number of uncertainties affecting both approaches.
We look for signs of the H~I transverse proximity effect in the spectra of 130 QSO pairs, most with transverse separations in the plane of the sky of 0.1 -- 3 Mpc at z ~ 2.2. We expected to see a decrease in Lyman-alpha forest HI absorption in the sp ectrum of background QSOs near the position of foreground QSOs. Instead we see no change in the absorption in front of the foreground QSOs, and we see evidence for a 50% increase in the absorption out to 6 Mpc behind the foreground QSOs. Further, we see no change in the H I absorption along the line-of-sight to the foreground QSOs, the normal line-of-sight proximity effect. We may account for the lack of change in the H I absorption if the effect of extra UV photons is canceled by higher gas density around QSOs. If so, the increase in absorption behind the QSOs then suggests that the higher gas density there is not canceled by the UV radiation from the QSOs. We can explain our observations if QSOs have had their current UV luminosities for less than approximately a million years, a time scale that has been suggested for accretion disk instabilities and gas depletion.
186 - Vivienne Wild 2008
Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 3 (SDSS DR3) we investigate how narrow (<700km/s) CIV and MgII quasar absorption line systems are distributed around quasars. The CIV absorbers lie in the redshift range 1.6 < z < 4 and the Mg II absorbers in the range 0.4<z<2.2. By correlating absorbers with quasars on different but neighbouring lines-of-sight, we measure the clustering of absorbers around quasars on comoving scales between 4 and 30Mpc. The observed comoving correlation lengths are r_o~5h^-1Mpc, similar to those observed for bright galaxies at these redshifts. Comparing with correlations between absorbers and the quasars in whose spectra they are identified then implies: (i) that quasars destroy absorbers to comoving distances of ~300kpc (CIV) and ~800kpc (MgII) along their lines-of-sight; (ii) that >40% of CIV absorbers within 3,000km/s of the QSO are not a result of large-scale clustering but rather are directly associated with the quasar itself; (iii) that this intrinsic absorber population extends to outflow velocities of order 12,000km/s; (iv) that this outflow component is present in both radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars; and (v) that a small high-velocity outflow component is observed in the MgII population, but any further intrinsic absorber component is undetectable in our clustering analysis. We also find an indication that absorption systems within 3,000km/s are more abundant for radio-loud than for radio-quiet quasars. This suggests either that radio-loud objects live in more massive halos, or that their radio activity generates an additional low-velocity outflow, or both.
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