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Ground-state reference systems for expanding correlated fermions in one dimension

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 نشر من قبل Fabian Heidrich-Meisner
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the sudden expansion of strongly correlated fermions in a one-dimensional lattice, utilizing the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method. Our focus is on the behavior of experimental observables such as the density, the momentum distribution function, and the density and spin structure factors. As our main result, we show that correlations in the transient regime can be accurately described by equilibrium reference systems. In addition, we find that the expansion from a Mott insulator produces distinctive peaks in the momentum distribution function at |k| ~ pi/2, accompanied by the onset of power-law correlations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

135 - I. Hagymasi , O. Legeza 2016
We investigate the ground-state of a p-wave Kondo-Heisenberg model introduced by Alexandrov and Coleman with an Ising-type anisotropy in the Kondo interaction and correlated conduction electrons. Our aim is to understand how they affect the stability of the Haldane state obtained in the SU(2) symmetric case without the Hubbard interaction. By applying the density-matrix renormalization group algorithm and calculating the entanglement entropy we show that in the anisotropic case a phase transition occurs and a Neel state emerges above a critical value of the Coulomb interaction. These findings are also corroborated by the examination of the entanglement spectrum and the spin profile of the system which clarify the structure of each phase.
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We propose to utilize the sub-system fidelity (SSF), defined by comparing a pair of reduced density matrices derived from the degenerate ground states, to identify and/or characterize symmetry protected topological (SPT) states in one-dimensional int eracting many-body systems. The SSF tells whether two states are locally indistinguishable (LI) by measurements within a given sub-system. Starting from two polar states (states that could be distinguished on either edge), the other combinations of these states can be mapped onto a Bloch sphere. We prove that a pair of orthogonal states on the equator of the Bloch sphere are LI, independently of whether they are SPT states or cat states (symmetry-preserving states by linear combinations of states that break discrete symmetries). Armed with this theorem, we provide a scheme to construct zero-energy exitations that swap the LI states. We show that the zero mode can be located anywhere for cat states, but is localized near the edge for SPT states. We also show that the SPT states are LI in a finite fraction of the bulk (excluding the two edges), whereas the symmetry-breaking states are distinguishable. This can be used to pinpoint the transition from SPT states to the symmetry-breaking states.
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