Greybody Factors for Rotating Black Holes on Codimension-2 Branes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the absorption probability and Hawking radiation of the scalar field in the rotating black holes on codimension-2 branes. We find that finite brane tension modifies the standard results in Hawking radiation if compared with the case when brane tension is completely negligible. We observe that the rotation of the black hole brings richer physics. Nonzero angular momentum triggers the super-radiance which becomes stronger when the angular momentum increases. We also find that rotations along different angles influence the result in absorption probability and Hawking radiation. Compared with the black hole rotating orthogonal to the brane, in the background that black hole spins on the brane, its angular momentum brings less super-radiance effect and the brane tension increases the range of frequency to accommodate super-radiance. These information can help us know more about the rotating codimension-2 black holes.

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