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Storage and retrieval of nonclassical photon pairs and conditional single photons generated by parametric down-conversion process

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 نشر من قبل Mikio Kozuma
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Storage and retrieval of parametric down-conversion (PDC) photons are demonstrated with electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). Extreme frequency filtering is performed for THz order of broadband PDC light and the frequency bandwidth of the light is reduced to MHz order. Storage and retrieval procedures are carried out for the frequency filtered PDC photons. Since the filtered bandwidth [full width at half-maximum (FWHM) = 9 MHz] is within the EIT window (FWHM = 12.6 MHz), the flux of the PDC light is successfully stored and retrieved. The nonclassicality of the retrieved light is confirmed by using photon counting method, where the classical inequality which is only satisfied for classical light fields is introduced. Since the PDC photons can be utilized for producing the single photon state conditionally, storage and retrieval procedures are also performed for the conditional single photons. Anti-correlation parameter used for checking the property of single photon state shows the value less than 1, which means the retrieved light is in a non-classical region.

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Single photons produced by fundamentally dissimilar physical processes will in general not be indistinguishable. We show how photons produced from a quantum dot and by parametric down-conversion in a nonlinear crystal can be manipulated to be indisti nguishable. The measured two-photon coalescence probability is 16%, and is limited by quantum-dot decoherence. Temporal filtering to the quantum dot coherence time and accounting for detector time response increases this to 61% while retaining 25% of the events. This technique can connect different elements in a scalable quantum network.
373 - Han-Sen Zhong , Yuan Li , Wei Li 2018
Entangled photon sources with simultaneously near-unity heralding efficiency and indistinguishability are the fundamental elements for scalable photonic quantum technologies. We design and realize a degenerate entangled-photon source from an ultrafas t pulsed laser pumped spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), which show simultaneously ~97% heralding efficiency and ~96% indistinguishability between independent single photons. Such a high-efficiency and frequency-uncorrelated SPDC source allows generation of the first 12-photon genuine entanglement with a state fidelity of 0.572(24). We further demonstrate a blueprint of scalable scattershot boson sampling using 12 SPDC sources and a 12*12-modes interferometer for three-, four-, and five-boson sampling, which yields count rates more than four orders of magnitudes higher than all previous SPDC experiments. Our work immediately enables high-efficiency implementations of multiplexing, scattershot boson sampling, and heralded creation of remotely entangled photons, opening up a promising pathway to scalable photonic quantum technologies.
Heralding of single photon at 1550 nm from pump pulsed non degenerate spontaneous parametric downconversion is demonstrated. P(1) and P(2) of our source are 0.1871 and 2.4 x 10 ^-3 respectively. Triggering of our source is 2.16 x 10^5 trigger.s^-1. This source may be used in QKD system.
In superconducting quantum information, machined aluminum superconducting cavities have proven to be a well-controlled, low-dissipation electromagnetic environment for quantum circuits such as qubits. They can possess large internal quality factors, $Q_{int}>10^8$, and present the possibility of storing quantum information for times far exceeding those of microfabricated circuits. However, in order to be useful as a storage element, these cavities require a fast read/write mechanism--- in other words, they require tunable coupling between other systems of interest such as other cavity modes and qubits, as well as any associated readout hardware. In this work, we demonstrate these qualities in a simple dual cavity architecture in which a low-Q readout mode is parametrically coupled to a high-Q storage mode, allowing us to store and retrieve classical information. Specifically, we employ a flux-driven Josephson junction-based coupling scheme to controllably swap coherent states between two cavities, demonstrating full, sequenced control over the coupling rates between modes.
Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC), also known as parametric fluorescence, parametric noise, parametric scattering and all various combinations of the abbreviation SPDC, is a non-linear optical process where a photon spontaneously splits i nto two other photons of lower energies. One would think that this article is about particle physics and yet it is not, as this process can occur fairly easily on a day to day basis in an optics laboratory. Nowadays, SPDC is at the heart of many quantum optics experiments for applications in quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum metrology but also for testing fundamentals laws of physics in quantum mechanics. In this article, we will focus on the physics of this process and highlight few important properties of SPDC. There will be two parts: a first theoretical one showing the particular quantum nature of SPDC and the second part, more experimental and in particular focusing on applications of parametric down-conversion. This is clearly a non-exhaustive article about parametric down-conversion as there is a tremendous literature on the subject, but it gives the necessary first elements needed for a novice student or researcher to work on SPDC sources of light.
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