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Intrinsic parton motion soft mechanisms and the longitudinal spin asymmetry A_LL in high energy pp -> pi X

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 نشر من قبل Francesco Murgia
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The longitudinal double spin asymmetry A_LL in the reaction pp --> pi X has been measured at RHIC with extremely interesting consequences. If the gluon polarization in a proton were as big as needed to resolve the famous spin crisis then A_LL would be large and positive. Latest RHIC results indicate that A_LL is small and disfavour large positive values of the gluon polarization. We examine whether the soft mechanisms (Collins, Sivers, Boer-Mulders), essential for generating transverse single spin asymmetries, have any significant influence on A_LL, and whether they could alter the conclusion that the gluon polarization is necessarily small. It turns out that the contribution from these effects is essentially negligible.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Recent preliminary PHENIX data are consistent with a negative and sizable longitudinal double-spin asymmetry A_LL^pi for pi^0 production at moderate transverse momentum p_perp simeq 1 - 4 GeV and central rapidity. By means of a systematic investigati on of the relevant degrees of freedom we show that the perturbative QCD framework at leading power in p_perp produces at best a very small negative asymmetry in this kinematic range.
We calculate the production cross-section and the transverse single-spin asymmetry for pion in $p^{uparrow}+pto pi^0 + X$. Our computation is based on existence of the instanton induced effective quark-gluon and quark-gluon-pion interactions with a s trong spin dependency. In this framework we calculate the cross section without using fragmentation functions. We compare predictions of the model with data from RHIC. Our numerical results, based on the instanton liquid model for QCD vacuum, are in agreement with unpolarized cross section data. The asymmetry grows with the transverse momentum of pion $k_t$ in accordance with experimental observations. It reach value $sim 10%$ but at higher $k_t$ than experiment shows.
The spin alignment of vector meson produced in high energy reactions is determined by the spin-dependent fragmentation function $D_{1LL} (z,mu_f)$ that is shown to be independent of the polarization of the fragmenting quark. In this paper, we extract the spin-dependent fragmentation function $D_{1LL} (z,mu_f)$ from data on the spin alignment of $K^{*0}$ in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at LEP in two different scenarios and apply them to make predictions in $pp$ collisions. We make detailed analysis of contributions from different sub-processes and show that the spin alignment should be quite significant also in high energy $pp$ collisions.
The hadron inclusive spectra in pp collisions at high energies are analyzed within a soft QCD model, namely the quark-gluon string model. In addition to the sea quark distribution in the incoming proton we consider also the unintegrated gluon distrib ution that has an increasing behaviour when the gluon transverse momentum grows. It leads to an increase of the inclusive spectra of hadrons and their multiplicity in the central rapidity region of pp collision at LHC energies.
We report the first measurement of the inclusive jet and the dijet longitudinal double-spin asymmetries, $A_{LL}$, at midrapidity in polarized $pp$ collisions at a center-of-mass energy $sqrt{s} = 510$ GeV. The inclusive jet $A_{LL}$ measurement is s ensitive to the gluon helicity distribution down to a gluon momentum fraction of $xapprox 0.015$, while the dijet measurements, separated into four jet-pair topologies, provide constraints on the $x$ dependence of the gluon polarization. Both results are consistent with previous measurements made at $sqrt{s}= 200$ GeV in the overlapping kinematic region, $x > 0.05$, and show good agreement with predictions from recent next-to-leading order global analyses.
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