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Optical Integral in the Cuprates and the Question of Sum Rule Violation

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 نشر من قبل Michael R. Norman
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Much attention has been given to a possible violation of the optical sum rule in the cuprates, and the connection this might have to kinetic energy lowering. The optical integral is composed of a cut-off independent term (whose temperature dependence is a measure of the sum rule violation), plus a cut-off dependent term that accounts for the extension of the Drude peak beyond the upper bound of the integral. We find that the temperature dependence of the optical integral in the normal state of the cuprates can be accounted for solely by the latter term, implying that the dominant contribution to the observed sum rule `violation in the normal state is due to the finite cut-off. This cut-off dependent term is well modeled by a theory of electrons interacting with a broad spectrum of bosons.

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186 - Xiaofeng Xu , W. H. Jiao , N. Zhou 2015
We report on the quasi-linear in field intrachain magnetoresistance in the normal state of a quasi-one-dimensional superconductor Ta$_4$Pd$_3$Te$_{16}$ ($T_c$$sim$4.6 K). Both the longitudinal and transverse in-chain magnetoresistance shows a power-l aw dependence, $Delta rho$$propto$B$^alpha$, with the exponent $alpha$ close to 1 over a wide temperature and field range. The magnetoresistance shows no sign of saturation up to 50 tesla studied. The linear magnetoresistance observed in Ta$_4$Pd$_3$Te$_{16}$ is found to be overall inconsistent with the interpretations based on the Dirac fermions in the quantum limit, charge conductivity fluctuations as well as quantum electron-electron interference. Moreover, it is observed that the Kohlers rule, regardless of the field orientations, is violated in its normal state. This result suggests the loss of charge carriers in the normal state of this chain-containing compound, due presumably to the charge-density-wave fluctuations.
We demonstrate that most features ascribed to strong correlation effects in various spectroscopies of the cuprates are captured by a calculation of the self-energy incorporating effects of spin and charge fluctuations. The self energy is calculated o ver the full doping range of electron-doped cuprates from half filling to the overdoped system. The spectral function reveals four subbands, two widely split incoherent bands representing the remnant of the split Hubbard bands, and two additional coherent, spin- and charge-dressed in-gap bands split by a spin-density wave, which collapses in the overdoped regime. The incoherent features persist to high doping, producing a remnant Mott gap in the optical spectra, while transitions between the in-gap states lead to pseudogap features in the mid-infrared.
Here, we present the comparative study of magnetotransport properties of recently discovered Ta2PdTe6 and Nb2PdS5 superconductors. The XRD and magnetotransport measurements are performed on these samples to investigate structure and superconducting p roperties as well as normal state transport properties of these compounds. Both the compounds are crystallized in monoclinic structure within space group C2m. Here, we observe superconductivity in both the compounds Ta2PdTe6 (Tc =4.4 K) and Nb2PdS5 (Tc =6.6 K). We see a linear magnetoresistance in Ta2PdTe6 as well as violation of Kohler rule in same compound. On the other hand, we find the absence of same in Nb2PdS5 compound.
We discuss the magnetic excitations of well-ordered stripe and checkerboard phases, including the high energy magnetic excitations of recent interest and possible connections to the resonance peak in cuprate superconductors. Using a suitably parametr ized Heisenberg model and spin wave theory, we study a variety of magnetically ordered configurations, including vertical and diagonal site- and bond-centered stripes and simple checkerboards. We calculate the expected neutron scattering intensities as a function of energy and momentum. At zero frequency, the satellite peaks of even square-wave stripes are suppressed by as much as a factor of 34 below the intensity of the main incommensurate peaks. We further find that at low energy, spin wave cones may not always be resolvable experimentally. Rather, the intensity as a function of position around the cone depends strongly on the coupling across the stripe domain walls. At intermediate energy, we find a saddlepoint at $(pi,pi)$ for a range of couplings, and discuss its possible connection to the resonance peak observed in neutron scattering experiments on cuprate superconductors. At high energy, various structures are possible as a function of coupling strength and configuration, including a high energy square-shaped continuum originally attributed to the quantum excitations of spin ladders. On the other hand, we find that simple checkerboard patterns are inconsistent with experimental results from neutron scattering.
The ground-state properties of CuFeAs were investigated by applying density functional theory calculations within generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and GGA+U. We find that the bicollinear antiferromagnetic state with antiparallel orbital magne tic moments on each iron which violates the Hunds rule is favored by the on-site Coulomb interaction, which is further stabilized by Cu vacancy. The magnetic ground state can be used to understand weak antiferromagnetism in CuFeAs observed experimentally. We argue that breakdown of the Hunds rule may be the possible origin for reduced magnetism in iron pnictides, rather than magnetic fluctuations induced by electronic correlations.
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