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Interface Width and Bulk Stability: requirements for the simulation of Deeply Quenched Liquid-Gas Systems

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 نشر من قبل Alexander J. Wagner
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Simulations of liquid-gas systems with extended interfaces are observed to fail to give accurate results for two reasons: the interface can get ``stuck on the lattice or a density overshoot develops around the interface. In the first case the bulk densities can take a range of values, dependent on the initial conditions. In the second case inaccurate bulk densities are found. In this communication we derive the minimum interface width required for the accurate simulation of liquid gas systems with a diffuse interface. We demonstrate this criterion for lattice Boltzmann simulations of a van der Waals gas. When combining this criterion with predictions for the bulk stability we can predict the parameter range that leads to stable and accurate simulation results. This allows us to identify parameter ranges leading to high density ratios of over 1000. This is despite the fact that lattice Boltzmann simulations of liquid-gas systems were believed to be restricted to modest density ratios of less than 20.

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144 - Hamza Chraibi 2009
Deformations of liquid interfaces by the optical radiation pressure of a focused laser wave were generally expected to display similar behavior, whatever the direction of propagation of the incident beam. Recent experiments showed that the invariance of interface deformations with respect to the direction of propagation of the incident wave is broken at high laser intensities. In the case of a beam propagating from the liquid of smaller refractive index to that of larger one, the interface remains stable, forming a nipple-like shape, while for the opposite direction of propagation, an instability occurs, leading to a long needle-like deformation emitting micro-droplets. While an analytical model successfully predicts the equilibrium shape of weakly deformed interface, very few work has been accomplished in the regime of large interface deformations. In this work, we use the Boundary Integral Element Method (BIEM) to compute the evolution of the shape of a fluid-fluid interface under the effect of a continuous laser wave, and we compare our numerical simulations to experimental data in the regime of large deformations for both upward and downward beam propagation. We confirm the invariance breakdown observed experimentally and find good agreement between predicted and experimental interface hump heights below the instability threshold.
72 - A.J. Wagner , C.M. Pooley 2006
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of liquid-gas systems are believed to be restricted to modest density ratios of less than 10. In this article we show that reducing the speed of sound and, just as importantly, the interfacial contributions to the pressu re allows lattice Boltzmann simulations to achieve high density ratios of 1000 or more. We also present explicit expressions for the limits of the parameter region in which the method gives accurate results. There are two separate limiting phenomena. The first is the stability of the bulk liquid phase. This consideration is specific to lattice Boltzmann methods. The second is a general argument for the interface discretization that applies to any diffuse interface method.
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Computer simulations using atomistic model are carried out to investigate the stability of ternary systems of pure or mixed fatty alcohols, cetrimide, and water. These semi$-$solid oil-in-water systems are used as the main component of pharmaceutical creams. Experiments show that the mixed alcohol systems are more stable than pure ones. The current experimental hypothesis is that this is the result of the length mismatch of the alkyl chains. This leads to higher configurational entropy of the chain tip of the longer alcohol molecules. Our simulation results support this hypothesis. The results also show that the shorter alcohol molecules become stiffer with higher values of the deuterium order parameters and smaller area per molecule. The magnitude in fluctuations in the area per molecule also increases in mixed systems, indicating a higher configurational entropy. Analysis of the molecular structure of simulated systems also shows good agreements with experimental data.
144 - Chiu Fan Lee 2015
Minimal models of self-propelled particles with short-range volume exclusion interactions have been shown to exhibit signatures of phase separation. Here I show that the observed interfacial stability and fluctuations in motility-induced phase separa tions (MIPS) can be explained by modeling the microscopic dynamics of the active particles in the interfacial region. In addition, I demonstrate the validity of the Gibbs-Thomson relation in MIPS, which provides a functional relationship between the size of a condensed drop and its surrounding vapor concentration. As a result, the coarsening dynamics of MIPS at vanishing supersaturation follows the classic Lifshitz-Slyozov scaling law at the late stage.
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