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Rotational Widths for Use in the Tully-Fisher Relation. II. The Impact of Surface Brightness

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 نشر من قبل Barbara Catinella
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using a large sample of spiral galaxies for which 21 cm single-dish and/or long-slit optical spectra are available, we make a detailed comparison between various estimates of rotational widths. Different optical width estimators are considered and their limitations discussed, with emphasis on biases associated with rotation curve properties (shape and extent) and disk central surface brightness. The best match with HI rotational velocities is obtained with Polyex widths, which are measured at the optical radius (encompassing a fixed fraction of the total light of the galaxy) from a model fit to the rotation curve. In contrast with Polyex widths, optical rotational velocities measured at 2.15 disk scale lengths r_d deviate from HI widths by an amount that correlates with the central surface brightness of the disk. This bias occurs because the rotation curves of galaxies are in general still rising at 2.15 r_d, and the fraction of total mass contained within this radius decreases with increasing disk surface brightness. Statistical corrections, parameterized by the radial extent of the observed rotation curve, are provided to reduce Polyex and HI width measurements into a homogeneous system. This yields a single robust estimate of rotational velocity to be used for applications of disk scaling relations.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present new long-slit Halpha spectroscopy for 403 non-interacting spiral galaxies, obtained at the Palomar Observatory 5 m Hale telescope, which is used to derive well-sampled optical rotation curves. Because many of the galaxies show optical emis sion features which are significantly extended along the spectrograph slit, a technique was devised to separate and subtract the night sky lines from the galaxy emission. We exploit a functional fit to the rotation curve to identify its center of symmetry; this method minimizes the asymmetry in the final, folded rotation curve. We derive rotational widths using both velocity histograms and the Polyex model fit. The final rotational width is measured at a radius containing 83% of the total light as derived from I-band images. In addition to presenting the new data, we use a large sample of 742 galaxies for which both optical long-slit and radio HI line spectroscopy are available to investigate the relation between the HI content of the disks and the extent of their rotation curves. Our results show that the correlation between those quantities, which is well-established in the case of HI-poor galaxies in clusters, is present also in HI-normal objects: for a given optical size, star formation can be traced further out in the disks of galaxies with larger HI mass.
Recent observational results found a bend in the Tully-Fisher Relation in such a way that low mass systems lay below the linear relation described by more massive galaxies. We intend to investigate the origin of the observed features in the stellar a nd baryonic Tully-Fisher relations and analyse the role played by galactic outflows on their determination. Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations which include Supernova feedback were performed in order to follow the dynamical evolution of galaxies. We found that Supernova feedback is a fundamental process in order to reproduce the observed trends in the stellar Tully-Fisher relation. Simulated slow rotating systems tend to have lower stellar masses than those predicted by the linear fit to the massive end of the relation, consistently with observations. This feature is not present if Supernova feedback is turned off. In the case of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, we also detect a weaker tendency for smaller systems to lie below the linear relation described by larger ones. This behaviour arises as a result of the more efficient action of Supernovae in the regulation of the star formation process and in the triggering of powerful galactic outflows in shallower potential wells which may heat up and/or expel part of the gas reservoir.
We validate the baryonic Tully Fisher (BTF) relation by exploring the Tully Fish er (TF) and BTF properties of optically and HI-selected disk galaxies. The data includes galaxies from: Sakai et al. (2000) calibrator sample; McGaugh et al. (2000: MC20 00) I-band sample; and 18 newly acquired HI-selected field dwarf galaxies observed with the ANU 2.3m telescope and the ATNF Parkes telescope from Gurovichs thesis sample (2005). As in MC2000, we re-cast the TF and BTF relations as relationships between baryo n mass and W_{20}. First we report some numerical errors in MC2000. Then, we c alculate weighted bi-variate linear fits to the data, and finally we compare the fits of the intrinsically fainter dwarfs with the brighter galaxies of Sakai et al. (2000). With regards to the local calibrator disk galaxies of Sakai et al. (2000), our results suggest that the BTF relation is indeed tighter than the T F relation and that the slopes of the BTF relations are statistically flatter th an the equivalent TF relations. Further, for the fainter galaxies which include the I-band MCG2000 and HI-selected galaxies of Gurovichs thesis sample, we calc ulate a break from a simple power law model because of what appears to be real c osmic scatter. Not withstanding this point, the BTF models are marginally better models than the equivalent TF ones with slightly smaller reduced chi^2.
We present a study of the local B and K-band Tully-Fisher Relation (TFR) between absolute magnitude and maximum circular speed in S0 galaxies. To make this study, we have combined kinematic data, including a new high-quality spectral data set from th e Fornax Cluster, with homogeneous photometry from the RC3 and 2MASS catalogues, to construct the largest sample of S0 galaxies ever used in a study of the TFR. Independent of environment, S0 galaxies are found to lie systematically below the TFR for nearby spirals in both optical and infrared bands. This offset can be crudely interpreted as arising from the luminosity evolution of spiral galaxies that have faded since ceasing star formation. However, we also find a large scatter in the TFR. We show that most of this scatter is intrinsic, not due to the observational uncertainties. The presence of such a large scatter means that the population of S0 galaxies cannot have formed exclusively by the above simple fading mechanism after all transforming at a single epoch. To better understand the complexity of the transformation mechanism, we have searched for correlations between the offset from the TFR and other properties of the galaxies such as their structural properties, central velocity dispersions and ages (as estimated from line indices). For the Fornax Cluster data, the offset from the TFR relates with the estimated age of the stars in the individual galaxies, in the sense and of the magnitude expected if S0 galaxies had passively faded since being converted from spirals. This correlation implies that a significant part of the scatter in the TFR arises from the different times at which galaxies began their transformation.
84 - R. Giovanelli 1996
The use of the Tully-Fisher (TF) relation for the determination of the Hubble Constant relies on the availability of an adequate template TF relation and of reliable primary distances. Here we use a TF template relation with the best available kinema tical zero-point, obtained from a sample of 24 clusters of galaxies extending to cz ~ 9,000 km/s, and the most recent set of Cepheid distances for galaxies fit for TF use. The combination of these two ingredients yields H_not = 69+/-5 km/(s Mpc). The approach is significantly more accurate than the more common application with single cluster (e.g. Virgo, Coma) samples.
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