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Density dependence of meson - nucleon vertices in nuclear matter

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 نشر من قبل Abdulla Rakhimov
 تاريخ النشر 1998
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Changes in the meson-nucleon coupling constant and the vertex form factor in nuclear matter are studied in a modified Skyrme Lagrangian including the sigma-meson field that satisfies the scale invariance. Renormalization of the axial-vector coupling constant, and the nucleon mass are studied in a consistent model. The results are consistent with the empirical evidence. A calculation of pi N commutator, sigma-term, indicates that the medium changes its magnitude considerably.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

A linear correlation is found between the magnitude of nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations and the nuclear binding energy per nucleon with pairing energy removed. By using this relation, the strengths of nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations of some unmeasured nuclei are predicted. Discussions on nucleon-nucleon pairing energy and nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations are made. The found nuclear dependence of nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations may shed some lights on the short-range structure of nucleus.
175 - T. Melde , L. Canton , W. Plessas 2008
We present a microscopic derivation of the form factors of strong-interaction piNN and piNDelta vertices within a relativistic constituent quark model. The results are compared with form factors from phenomenological meson-baryon models and recent la ttice QCD calculations. We give an analytical representation of the vertex form factors suitable for applications in further studies of hadron reactions.
188 - K. Tsushima 2000
We discuss the effect of changes in meson properties in a nuclear medium on physical observables, notably, $J/Psi$ dissociation on pion and $rho$ meson comovers in relativistic heavy ion collisions, and the prediction of the $omega$-, $eta$- and $eta$-nuclear bound states.
The $phi$-meson properties in cold nuclear matter are investigated by implementing resonant $phi N$ interactions as described in effective approaches including the unitarization of scattering amplitudes. Several $N^*$-like states are dynamically gene rated in these models around $2$ GeV, in the vicinity of the $phi N$ threshold. We find that both these states and the non-resonant part of the amplitude contribute sizably to the $phi$ collisional self-energy at finite nuclear density. These contributions are of a similar strength as the widely studied medium effects from the $bar K K$ cloud. Depending on model details (position of the resonances and strength of the coupling to $phi N$) we report a $phi$ broadening up to about $40$-$50$ MeV, to be added to the $phitobar K K$ in-medium decay width, and an attractive optical potential at threshold up to about $35$ MeV at normal matter density. The $phi$ spectral function develops a double peak structure as a consequence of the mixing of resonance-hole modes with the $phi$ quasi-particle peak. The former results point in the direction of making up for missing absorption as reported in $phi$ nuclear production experiments.
The quark-meson-coupling model is used to study droplet formation from the liquid-gas phase transition in cold asymmetric nuclear matter. The critical density and proton fraction for the phase transition are determined in the mean field approximation . Droplet properties are calculated in the Thomas-Fermi approximation. The electromagnetic field is explicitly included and its effects on droplet properties are studied. The results are compared with the ones obtained with the NL1 parametrization of the non-linear Walecka model.
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