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Off-shell effects in the electromagnetic production of strangeness

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 نشر من قبل Claude Fayard
 تاريخ النشر 1997
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Previous approaches to the photo- and electro-production of strangeness off the proton, based upon effective hadronic Lagrangians, are extended here to incorporate the so called off-shell effects inherent to the fermions with spin >= 3/2. A formalism for intermediate-state, spin 3/2, nucleonic and hyperonic resonances is presented and applied to the processes $gamma + p ---> K^{+} + Lambda$, for $E_{gamma}^{lab}$ <= 2.5 GeV, $e + p ---> e + K^+ + Lambda$, as well as the branching ratio for the crossed channel reaction $K^- + p ---> gamma + Lambda$, with stopped kaons. The sensitivity, from moderate to significant, of various observables to such effects are discussed.

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77 - L. Canton 1999
We test the presence of pion-nucleon isoscalar off-shell effects in the $pdto pi^+ t$ reaction around the threshold region. We find that these effects significantly modify the production cross section and that they may provide the missing strength needed to reproduce the data at threshold.
The Beam Energy Scan program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is searching for the QCD critical point. The main signal for the critical point is the kurtosis of the distribution of proton yields obtained on an event-by-event basis where one expects a peak at the critical point. However, its exact behavior is still an open question due to out-of-equilibrium effects and uncertainty in the equation of state. Here we use a simplistic hydrodynamic model that enforces strangeness-neutrality, selecting trajectories that pass close to the critical point. We vary the initial conditions to estimate the effect of out-of-equilibrium hydrodynamics on the kurtosis signal.
119 - H.S. Kohler 2009
A microscopic theory of nuclei based on a free scattering NN-potential is meaningful only if this potential fits on-shell scattering data.This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the theory to be successful.It has been demonstrated repeat edly in the past that 2-body off-shell adjustments or many-body forces are necessary.It has been shown however, using Eff. Field Theory and formal scattering theory, that off-shell and many-body effects can not be separated.This equivalence theorem allows us to concentrate on the off-shell effects.Examples of on-shell equivalent potentials Paris, Bonn etc but here separable potentials are calculated by inverse scattering from NN-scattering and Deuteron data, Earlier calculations showed these S-state potentials to agree with Bonn-B results in Brueckner nuclear matter calculations. They are here also used to compute the Triton binding energy and the n-D scattering length.The results are found to lie on the Phillips line defined in early calculations but like these miss the experimental point on this line and overbind the Triton but is reached by modifying the off-shell properties adding a short-range repulsion without affecting fits to the experimental low-energy phase-shifts.The off-shell induced correlations result in a repulsive component in the Triton effective interactions.In nuclear matter the same effect is referred to as the dispersion correction, which is a main contributor to nuclear saturation.In finite nucleus Brueckner-HF calculations these same correlations give an important contribution to the selfconsistent (reaarangement term), without which the finite nucleus would collapse.The main purpose of the present work is to illustrate that NN-correlations are as important in the Triton as they are in nuclear matter or other finite nuclei.
126 - A. Lavagno , D. Pigato 2012
By means of an effective relativistic nuclear equation of state in the framework of the nonextensive statistical mechanics, characterized by power-law quantum distributions, we study the phase transition from hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma at finite temperature and baryon density. The analysis is performed by requiring the Gibbs conditions on the global conservation of baryon number, electric charge fraction and zero net strangeness. We show that nonextensive statistical effects strongly influence the strangeness production during the pure hadronic phase and the hadron-quark-gluon mixed phase transition, also for small deviations from the standard Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics.
The results of the microscopic transport calculations of $bar p$-nucleus interactions within a GiBUU model are presented. The dominating mechanism of hyperon production is the strangeness exchange processes $bar K N to Y pi$ and $bar K N to Xi K$. Th e calculated rapidity spectra of $Xi$ hyperons are significantly shifted to forward rapidities with respect to the spectra of $S=-1$ hyperons. We argue that this shift should be a sensitive test for the possible exotic mechanisms of $bar p$-nucleus annihilation. The production of the double $Lambda$-hypernuclei by $Xi^-$ interaction with a secondary target is calculated.
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