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Birhythmicity, Synchronization, and Turbulence in an Oscillatory System with Nonlocal Inertial Coupling

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 نشر من قبل Vanessa Casagrande
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider a model where a population of diffusively coupled limit-cycle oscillators, described by the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, interacts nonlocally via an inertial field. For sufficiently high intensity of nonlocal inertial coupling, the system exhibits birhythmicity with two oscillation modes at largely different frequencies. Stability of uniform oscillations in the birhythmic region is analyzed by means of the phase dynamics approximation. Numerical simulations show that, depending on its parameters, the system has irregular intermittent regimes with local bursts of synchronization or desynchronization.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Spiral and antispiral waves are studied numerically in two examples of oscillatory reaction-diffusion media and analytically in the corresponding complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). We argue that both these structures are sources of waves in osc illatory media, which are distinguished only by the sign of the phase velocity of the emitted waves. Using known analytical results in the CGLE, we obtain a criterion for the CGLE coefficients that predicts whether antispirals or spirals will occur in the corresponding reaction-diffusion systems. We apply this criterion to the FitzHugh-Nagumo and Brusselator models by deriving the CGLE near the Hopf bifurcations of the respective equations. Numerical simulations of the full reaction-diffusion equations confirm the validity of our simple criterion near the onset of oscillations. They also reveal that antispirals often occur near the onset and turn into spirals further away from it. The transition from antispirals to spirals is characterized by a divergence in the wavelength. A tentative interpretaion of recent experimental observations of antispiral waves in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction in a microemulsion is given.
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We discuss synchronization in networks of neuronal oscillators which are interconnected via diffusive coupling, i.e. linearly coupled via gap junctions. In particular, we present sufficient conditions for synchronization in these networks using the t heory of semi-passive and passive systems. We show that the conductance-based neuronal models of Hodgkin-Huxley, Morris-Lecar, and the popular reduced models of FitzHugh-Nagumo and Hindmarsh-Rose all satisfy a semi-passivity property, i.e. that is the state trajectories of such a model remain oscillatory but bounded provided that the supplied (electrical) energy is bounded. As a result, for a wide range of coupling configurations, networks of these oscillators are guaranteed to possess ultimately bounded solutions. Moreover, we demonstrate that when the coupling is strong enough the oscillators become synchronized. Our theoretical conclusions are confirmed by computer simulations with coupled HR and ML oscillators. Finally we discuss possible instabilities in networks of oscillators induced by the diffusive coupling.
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The multi-peak solitons and their stability are investigated for the nonlocal nonlinear system with the sine-oscillation response, including both the cases of positive and negative Kerr coefficients. The Hermite-Gaussian-type multi-peak solitons and the ranges of the degree of nonlocality within which the solitons exist are analytically obtained by the variational approach. This is the first time, to our knowledge at least, to discuss the solution existence range of the multi-peak solitons analytically, although approximately. The variational analytical results are confirmed by the numerical ones. The stability of the multi-peak solitons are addressed by the linear stability analysis. It is found that the upper thresholds of the peak-number of the stable solitons are five and four for the system with negative and positive Kerr coefficients, respectively.
We study the influence of a linear nonlocal spatial coupling on the interaction of fronts connecting two equivalent stable states in the prototypical 1-D real Ginzburg-Landau equation. While for local coupling the fronts are always monotonic and ther efore the dynamical behavior leads to coarsening and the annihilation of pairs of fronts, nonlocal terms can induce spatial oscillations in the front, allowing for the creation of localized structures, emerging from pinning between two fronts. We show this for three different nonlocal influence kernels. The first two, mod-exponential and Gaussian, are positive-definite and decay exponentially or faster, while the third one, a Mexican-hat kernel, is not positive definite.
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