Two examples concerning almost continuous functions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We construct, under the assumption that union of less than continuum many meager subsets of R is meager in R, an additive connectivity function f:R-->R with Cantor intermediate value property which is not almost continuous. This gives a partial answer to a question of D. Banaszewski. We also show that every extendable function g:R-->R with a dense graph satisfies the following stronger version of the SCIVP property: for every a<b and every perfect set K between g(a) and g(b) there is a perfect subset C of (a,b) such that g[C] subset K and g|C is continuous strictly increasing. This property is used to construct a ZFC example of an additive almost continuous function f:R-->R which has the strong Cantor intermediate value property but is not extendable. This answers a question of H. Rosen. This also generalizes Rosens result that a similar (but not additive) function exists under the assumption of the continuum hypothesis.

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