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Glueball Masses for the Deformed Conifold Theory

174   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Elena Caceres
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We obtain the spectrum of glueball masses for the N=1 non-conformal cascade theory whose supergravity dual was recently constructed by Klebanov and Strassler. The glueball masses are calculated by solving the supergravity equations of motion for the dilaton and the two-form in the deformed conifold background.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The warped deformed conifold background of type IIB theory is dual to the cascading $SU(M(p+1))times SU(Mp)$ gauge theory. We show that this background realizes the (super-)Goldstone mechanism where the U(1) baryon number symmetry is broken by expect ation values of baryonic operators. The resulting massless pseudo-scalar and scalar glueballs are identified in the supergravity spectrum. A D-string is then dual to a global string in the gauge theory. Upon compactification, the Goldstone mechanism turns into the Higgs mechanism, and the global strings turn into ANO strings.
174 - Piotr Su{l}kowski 2008
We consider two different physical systems for which the basis of the Hilbert space can be parametrized by Young diagrams: free complex fermions and the phase model of strongly correlated bosons. Both systems have natural, well-known deformations par ametrized by a parameter Q: the former one is related to the deformed boson-fermion correspondence introduced by N. Jing, while the latter is the so-called Q-boson, arising also in the context of quantum groups. These deformations are equivalent and can be realized in the same way in the algebra of Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions. Without a deformation, these reduce to Schur functions, which can be used to construct a generating function of plane partitions, reproducing a topological string partition function on $C^3$. We show that a deformation of both systems leads then to a deformed generating function, which reproduces topological string partition function of the conifold, with the deformation parameter Q identified with the size of $P^1$. Similarly, a deformation of the fermion one-point function results in the A-brane partition function on the conifold.
In this paper we study the N=1 supersymmetric field theories realized on the world-volume of type IIB D3-branes sitting at orientifolds of non-orbifold singularities (conifold and generalizations). Several chiral models belong to this family of theor ies. These field theories have a T-dual realization in terms of type IIA configurations of relatively rotated NS fivebranes, D4-branes and orientifold six-planes, with a compact $x^6$ direction, along which the D4-branes have finite extent. We compute the spectrum on the D3-branes directly in the type IIB picture and match the resulting field theories with those obtained in the type IIA setup, thus providing a non-trivial check of this T-duality. Since the usual techniques to compute the spectrum of the model and check the cancellation of tadpoles, cannot be applied to the case orientifolds of non-orbifold singularities, we use a different approach, and construct the models by partially blowing-up orientifolds of C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2) and C^3/(Z_2 x Z_3) orbifolds.
111 - Hsiang-nan Li 2021
We develop an inverse matrix method to solve for resonance masses from a dispersion relation obeyed by a correlation function. Given the operator product expansion (OPE) of a correlation function in the deep Euclidean region, we obtain the nonperturb ative spectral density, which exhibits resonance structures naturally. The value of the gluon condensate in the OPE is fixed by producing the $rho$ meson mass in the formalism, and then input into the dispersion relations for the scalar, pseudoscalar and tensor glueballs. It is shown that the low-energy limit of the correlation function for the scalar glueball, derived from the spectral density, discriminates the lattice estimate for the triple-gluon condensate from the single-instanton estimate. The spectral densities for the scalar and pseudoscalar glueballs reveal a double-peak structure: the peak located at lower mass implies that the $f_0(500)$ and $f_0(980)$ ($eta$ ad $eta$) mesons contain small amount of gluonium components, and should be included into scalar (pseudoscalar) mixing frameworks. Another peak determines the scalar (pseudoscalar) glueball mass around 1.50 (1.75) GeV with a broad width about 200 MeV, suggesting that the $f_0(1370)$, $f_0(1500)$ and $f_0(1710)$ ($eta(1760)$) mesons are the glue-rich states. We also predict the topological susceptability $chi_t^{1/4}=75$-78 MeV, deduced from the correlation function for the pseudoscalar glueball at zero momentum. Our analysis gives no resonance solution for the tensor glueball, which may be attributed to the insufficient nonperturbative condensate information in the currently available OPE.
In this short note we begin the analysis of deformed integrable Chern-Simons theories. We construct the two loop dilatation operator for the scalar sector of the ABJM theory with $k1 eq -k2$ and we compute the anomalous dimension of some operators.
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