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Nuclear Neutron Haloes as Seen by Antiprotons

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 تاريخ النشر 1995
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Nuclear interactions of antiprotons in atomic states are discussed. The total as well as partial widths for single nucleon capture events are calculated. These are compared to the X-ray and recent single nucleon capture data. The rates of the neutron or proton captures test nuclear density distributions at the extreme nuclear surface. Recently found cases of neutron and proton haloes are analysed.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

268 - Hirosi Ooguri 2009
These lecture notes review the topological string theory and its applications to mathematics and physics. They expand on material presented at the Takagi Lectures of the Mathematical Society of Japan on 21 June 2008 at Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University.
Neutron production induced by ($alpha$,n) reactions is important in various scenarios. One of the most relevant ones is related to underground dark matter experiments, where the neutrons produced by the $alpha$-decay from radioactive contaminants in the detector materials can generate an irreducible background, limiting the sensitivity of the experiment. A precise estimate of the background due to these neutrons is crucial for the experiments currently taking data and for the design of the next generation detectors. In this work, we prove that Geant4 can be used to calculate neutron yields and energy spectra induced by $alpha$-decay. These neutrons are produced according to the information compiled in data libraries originally written in the ENDF-6 format. In this article we also review the different databases available, showing the differences and similarities among them. Finally, we compare several Geant4 neutron production yields and spectra with experimental data and other codes.
Three complementary views on the QCD vacuum structure, all based on eigenmodes of the overlap operator, are reported in their interrelation: (i) spectral density, localization and chiral properties of the modes, (ii) the possibility of filtering the field strength with the aim to detect selfdual and antiselfdual domains and (iii) the various faces of the topological charge density, with and without a cutoff lambda_{rm cut} = O(Lambda_{QCD}). The techniques are tested on quenched SU(3) configurations.
261 - Oleg Andreev 2021
Using the gauge/string duality, we model a heavy quark-antiquark pair in a color singlet state moving through a cold medium and explore the consequences of temperature and velocity on string breaking. We show that the string breaking distance slowly varies with temperature and velocity away from the critical line but could fall near it.
This paper investigates the transverse momentum broadening effect for electromagnetic production of dileptons in ultra-peripheral heavy ion collisions accompanied by nuclear dissociation. The electromagnetic dissociation probability of nuclei for dif ferent neutron multiplicities is estimated, which could serve as a centrality definition (i.e. impact parameter estimate) in ultra-peripheral collisions. In the framework of lowest-order QED, the acoplanarity of dilepton pairs is calculated for different neutron emission scenarios in ultra-peripheral collisions, indicating significant impact-parameter dependence. The verification of impact-parameter dependence is crucially important to understand the broadening effect observed in hadronic heavy-ion collisions.
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