Quantum Link Models with Many Rishon Flavors and with Many Colors

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Quantum link models are a novel formulation of gauge theories in terms of discrete degrees of freedom. These degrees of freedom are described by quantum operators acting in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. We show that for certain representations of the operator algebra, the usual Yang-Mills action is recovered in the continuum limit. The quantum operators can be expressed as bilinears of fermionic creation and annihilation operators called rishons. Using the rishon representation the quantum link Hamiltonian can be expressed entirely in terms of color-neutral operators. This allows us to study the large N_c limit of this model. In the t Hooft limit we find an area law for the Wilson loop and a mass gap. Furthermore, the strong coupling expansion is a topological expansion in which graphs with handles and boundaries are suppressed.

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