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Chaos in closed isotropic cosmological models with steep scalar field potential

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 نشر من قبل Toporenskij A. V.
 تاريخ النشر 1998
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A.V.Toporensky

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The dynamics of closed scalar field FRW cosmological models is studied for several types of exponentially and more than exponentially steep potentials. The parameters of scalar field potentials which allow a chaotic behaviour are found from numerical investigations. It is argued that analytical studies of equation of motion at the Euclidean boundary can provide an important information about the properties of chaotic dynamics. Several types of transition from chaotic to regular dynamics are described.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Several aspects of scalar field dynamics on a brane which differs from corresponding regimes in the standard cosmology are investigated. We consider asymptotic solution near a singularity, condition for inflation and bounces and some detail of chaoti c behavior in the brane model. Each results are compared with those known in the standard cosmology.
The chaotical dynamics is studied in different Friedmann-Robertson- Walker cosmological models with scalar (inflaton) field and hydrodynamical matter. The topological entropy is calculated for some particular cases. Suggested scheme can be easily gen eralized for wide class of models. Different methods of calculation of topological entropy are compared.
95 - A.V.Toporensky 2000
The results on chaos in FRW cosmology with a massive scalar field are extended to another scalar field potential. It is shown that for sufficiently steep potentials the chaos disappears. A simple and rather accurate analytical criterion for the chaos to disappear is given. On the contrary, for gently sloping potentials the transition to a strong chaotic regime can occur. Two examples, concerning asymptotically flat and Damour-Mukhanov potentials are given.
266 - V.I. Zhdanov , S.S. Dylda 2018
We study relations between hydrodynamical (H) and scalar field (SF) models of the dark energy in the early Universe. Main attention is paid to SF described by the canonical Lagrangian within the homogeneous isotropic spatially flat cosmology. We anal yze requirements that guarantee the same cosmological history for the SF and H-models at least for solutions with specially chosen initial conditions and we present a differential equation for the SF potential that ensures such a restricted equivalence of the SF and H-models. Also, we derived a condition that guarantees an approximate equivalence when there is a small difference between energy momentum tensors of the models. The equivalent scalar field potentials for linear equations of state (EOS) are found in an explicit form, we also present an examples with more complicated EOS.
166 - Paul Tod 2007
We prove well-posedness of the initial value problem for the Einstein equations for spatially-homogeneous cosmologies with data at an isotropic cosmological singularity, for which the matter content is either a cosmological constant with collisionles s particles of a single mass (possibly zero) or a cosmological constant with a perfect fluid having the radiation equation of state. In both cases, with a positive cosmological constant, these solutions, except possibly for Bianchi-type-IX, will expand forever, and be geodesically-complete into the future.
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