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WKB-type Approximation to Noncommutative Quantum Cosmology

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 نشر من قبل Eri Mena
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this work, we develop and apply the WKB approximation to several examples of noncommutative quantum cosmology, obtaining the time evolution of the noncommutative universe, this is done starting from a noncommutative quantum formulation of cosmology where the noncommutativity is introduced by a deformation on the minisuperspace variables. This procedure gives a straightforward algorithm to incorporate noncommutativity to cosmology and inflation.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

558 - Burin Gumjudpai 2008
Aspects of non-linear Schr{o}dinger-type (NLS) formulation of scalar (phantom) field cosmology on slow-roll, acceleration, WKB approximation and Big Rip singularity are presented. Slow-roll parameters for the curvature and barotropic density terms ar e introduced. We reexpress all slow-roll parameters, slow-roll conditions and acceleration condition in NLS form. WKB approximation in the NLS formulation is also discussed when simplifying to linear case. Most of the Schr{o}dinger potentials in NLS formulation are very slowly-varying, hence WKB approximation is valid in the ranges. In the NLS form of Big Rip singularity, two quantities are infinity in stead of three. We also found that approaching the Big Rip, $w_{rm eff}to -1 + {2}/{3q}$, $(q<0)$ which is the same as effective phantom equation of state in the flat case.
We study noncommutative deformations of the wave equation in curved backgrounds and discuss the modification of the dispersion relations due to noncommutativity combined with curvature of spacetime. Our noncommutative differential geometry approach i s based on Drinfeld twist deformation, and can be implemented for any twist and any curved background. We discuss in detail the Jordanian twist $-$giving $kappa$-Minkowski spacetime in flat space$-$ in the presence of a Friedman-Lema^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmological background. We obtain a new expression for the variation of the speed of light, depending linearly on the ratio $E_{ph}/E_{LV}$ (photon energy / Lorentz violation scale), but also linearly on the cosmological time, the Hubble parameter and inversely proportional to the scale factor.
In this paper we discuss the quantum potential approach of Bohm in the context of quantum cosmological model. This approach makes it possible to convert the wavefunction of the universe to a set of equations describing the time evolution of the unive rse. Following Ashtekar et. al., we make use of quantum canonical transformation to cast a class of quantum cosmological models to a simple form in which they can be solved explicitly, and then we use the solutions to recover the time evolution.
We present a semiclassical analysis of the quantum propagator of a particle confined on one side by a steeply, monotonically rising potential. The models studied in detail have potentials proportional to $x^{alpha}$ for $x>0$; the limit $alphatoinfty $ would reproduce a perfectly reflecting boundary, but at present we concentrate on the cases $alpha =1$ and 2, for which exact solutions in terms of well known functions are available for comparison. We classify the classical paths in this system by their qualitative nature and calculate the contributions of the various classes to the leading-order semiclassical approximation: For each classical path we find the action $S$, the amplitude function $A$ and the Laplacian of $A$. (The Laplacian is of interest because it gives an estimate of the error in the approximation and is needed for computing higher-order approximations.) The resulting semiclassical propagator can be used to rewrite the exact problem as a Volterra integral equation, whose formal solution by iteration (Neumann series) is a semiclassical, not perturbative, expansion. We thereby test, in the context of a concrete problem, the validity of the two technical hypotheses in a previous proof of the convergence of such a Neumann series in the more abstract setting of an arbitrary smooth potential. Not surprisingly, we find that the hypotheses are violated when caustics develop in the classical dynamics; this opens up the interesting future project of extending the methods to momentum space.
346 - A. J. Toubiana , L. F. Canto , 2016
In this paper we revisit the one-dimensional tunneling problem. We consider Kembles approximation for the transmission coefficient. We show how this approximation can be extended to above-barrier energies by performing the analytical continuation of the radial coordinate to the complex plane. We investigate the validity of this approximation by comparing their predictions for the cross section and for the barrier distribution with the corresponding quantum mechanical results. We find that the extended Kembles approximation reproduces the results of quantum mechanics with great accuracy.
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