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PALS: Efficient Or-Parallelism on Beowulf Clusters

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 نشر من قبل Gopal Gupta
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Enrico Pontelli

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This paper describes the development of the PALS system, an implementation of Prolog capable of efficiently exploiting or-parallelism on distributed-memory platforms--specifically Beowulf clusters. PALS makes use of a novel technique, called incremental stack-splitting. The technique proposed builds on the stack-splitting approach, previously described by the authors and experimentally validated on shared-memory systems, which in turn is an evolution of the stack-copying method used in a variety of parallel logic and constraint systems--e.g., MUSE, YAP, and Penny. The PALS system is the first distributed or-parallel implementation of Prolog based on the stack-splitting method ever realized. The results presented confirm the superiority of this method as a simple yet effective technique to transition from shared-memory to distributed-memory systems. PALS extends stack-splitting by combining it with incremental copying; the paper provides a description of the implementation of PALS, including details of how distributed scheduling is handled. We also investigate methodologies to effectively support order-sensitive predicates (e.g., side-effects) in the context of the stack-splitting scheme. Experimental results obtained from running PALS on both Shared Memory and Beowulf systems are presented and analyzed.

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Consider an arbitrary network of communicating modules on a chip, each requiring a local signal telling it when to execute a computational step. There are three common solutions to generating such a local clock signal: (i) by deriving it from a singl e, central clock source, (ii) by local, free-running oscillators, or (iii) by handshaking between neighboring modules. Conceptually, each of these solutions is the result of a perceived dichotomy in which (sub)systems are either clocked or fully asynchronous, suggesting that the designers choice is limited to deciding where to draw the line between synchronous and asynchronous design. In contrast, we take the view that the better question to ask is how synchronous the system can and should be. Based on a distributed clock synchronization algorithm, we present a novel design providing modules with local clocks whose frequency bounds are almost as good as those of corresponding free-running oscillators, yet neighboring modules are guaranteed to have a phase offset substantially smaller than one clock cycle. Concretely, parameters obtained from a 15nm ASIC implementation running at 2GHz yield mathematical worst-case bounds of 30ps on phase offset for a 32x32 node grid network.
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