Scale Invariant Dynamics of Surface Growth

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We describe in detail and extend a recently introduced nonperturbative renormalization group (RG) method for surface growth. The scale invariant dynamics which is the key ingredient of the calculation is obtained as the fixed point of a RG transformation relating the representation of the microscopic process at two different coarse-grained scales. We review the RG calculation for systems in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class and compute the roughness exponent for the strong coupling phase in dimensions from 1 to 9. Discussions of the approximations involved and possible improvements are also presented. Moreover, very strong evidence of the absence of a finite upper critical dimension for KPZ growth is presented. Finally, we apply the method to the linear Edwards-Wilkinson dynamics where we reproduce the known exact results, proving the ability of the method to capture qualitatively different behaviors.

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