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Boulevard of Broken Symmetries

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 نشر من قبل Adriaan Schakel
 تاريخ النشر 1998
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Effective theories of quantum liquids (superconductors and superfluids of various types) are derived starting from microscopic models at the absolute zero of temperature. Special care is taken to assure Galilei invariance. The effective theories are employed to investigate the quantum numbers carried by the topological defects present in the phases with spontaneously broken symmetries. Due to topological terms induced by quantum fluctuations, these numbers are sometimes found to be fractional. The zero-temperature effective theories are further used to study the quantum critical behavior of the liquid-to-insulator transition which these systems undergo as the applied magnetic field, the amount of impurities, or the charge carrier density varies. The classical, finite-temperature phase transitions to the normal state are discussed from the point of view of dual theories, where the defects of the original formulation become the elementary excitations. A connection with bosonization is pointed out.

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اقرأ أيضاً

To resolve the nature of the hidden order below 17.5,K in the heavy fermion compound URu$_2$Si$_2$, identifying which symmetries are broken below the hidden order transition is one of the most important steps. Several recent experiments on the electr onic structure have shown that the Fermi surface in the hidden order phase is quite close to the result of band-structure calculations within the framework of itinerant electron picture assuming the antiferromagnetism. This provides strong evidence for the band folding along the c-axis with the ordering vector of $(0,0,1)$, corresponding to broken translational symmetry. In addition to this, there is growing evidence for fourfold rotational symmetry breaking in the hidden-order phase from measurements of the in-plane magnetic anisotropy and the effective mass anisotropy in the electronic structure, as well as the orthorhombic lattice distortion. This broken fourfold symmetry gives a stringent constraint that the symmetry of the hidden order parameter should belong to the degenerate $E$-type irreducible representation. We also discuss a possibility that time reversal symmetry is also broken, which further narrows down the order parameter that characterizes the hidden order.
102 - Amol Dighe 2007
Symmetry-based ideas, such as the quark-lepton complementarity (QLC) principle and the tri-bimaximal mixing (TBM) scheme, have been proposed to explain the observed mixing pattern of neutrinos. We argue that such symmetry relations need to be imposed at a high scale $Lambda sim 10^{12}$ GeV characterizing the large masses of right-handed neutrinos required to implement the seesaw mechanism. For nonhierarchical neutrinos, renormalisation group evolution down to a laboratory energy scale $lambda sim 10^3$ GeV tends to radiatively break these symmetries at a significant level and spoil the mixing pattern predicted by them. However, for Majorana neutrinos, suitable constraints on the extra phases $alpha_{2,3}$ enable the retention of those high scale mixing patterns at laboratory energies. We examine this issue within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and demonstrate the fact posited above for t
In this note we study the eigenvalue problem for a quadratic form associated with Strichartz estimates for the Schr{o}dinger equation, proving in particular a sharp Strichartz inequality for the case of odd initial data. We also describe an alternati ve method that is applicable to a wider class of matrix problems.
We consider holographic theories at finite temperature in which a continuous global symmetry in the bulk is spontaneously broken. We study the linear response of operators in a regime which is dual to time dependent, long wavelength deformations of s olutions generated by the symmetry. By computing the boundary theory retarded Greens function we show the existence of a gapless mode with a diffusive dispersion relation. The diffusive character of the mode is compatible with the absence of a conserved charge from the field theory point of view. We give an analytic expression for the corresponding diffusion constant in terms of thermodynamic data and a new transport coefficient $sigma_{b}$ which is fixed by the black hole horizon data. After adding a perturbative source on the boundary, we compute the resulting gap $deltaomega_{g}$ as a simple function of $sigma_{b}$ and of data of the thermal state.
We propose the possible detection of broken mirror symmetries in correlated two-dimensional materials by elastotransport measurements. Using linear response theory we calculate the shearconductivity $Gamma_{xx,xy}$, defined as the linear change of th e longitudinal conductivity $sigma_{xx}$ due to a shear strain $epsilon_{xy}$. This quantity can only be non-vanishing when in-plane mirror symmetries are broken and we discuss how candidate states in the cuprate pseudogap regime (e.g. various loop current or charge orders) may exhibit a finite shearconductivity. We also provide a realistic experimental protocol for detecting such a response.
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