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Haldane gap in the quasi one-dimensional nonlinear $sigma$-model

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 نشر من قبل David Senechal
 تاريخ النشر 1993
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف D. Senechal

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This work studies the appearance of a Haldane gap in quasi one-dimensional antiferromagnets in the long wavelength limit, via the nonlinear $sigma$-model. The mapping from the three-dimensional, integer spin Heisenberg model to the nonlinear $sigma$-model is explained, taking into account two antiferromagnetic couplings: one along the chain axis ($J$) and one along the perpendicular planes ($J_bot$) of a cubic lattice. An implicit equation for the Haldane gap is derived, as a function of temperature and coupling ratio $J_bot/J$. Solutions to these equations show the existence of a critical coupling ratio beyond which a gap exists only above a transition temperature $T_N$. The cut-off dependence of these results is discussed.

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74 - Kazuhiro Nawa , Oleg Janson , 2017
We investigated magnetic and thermodynamic properties of $S$ = 1/2 quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet KCuMoO$_4$(OH) through single crystalline magnetization and heat capacity measurements. At zero field, it behaves as a uniform $S$ = 1/2 Heisenbe rg antiferromagnet with $J$ = 238 K, and exhibits a canted antiferromagnetism below $T_mathrm{N}$ = 1.52 K. In addition, a magnetic field $H$ induces the anisotropy in magnetization and opens a gap in the spin excitation spectrum. These properties are understood in terms of an effective staggered field induced by staggered g-tensors and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interactions. Temperature-dependencies of the heat capacity and their field variations are consistent with those expected for quantum sine-Gordon model, indicating that spin excitations consist of soliton, anti-soliton and breather modes. From field-dependencies of the soliton mass, the staggered field normalized by the uniform field $c_mathrm{s}$ is estimated as 0.041, 0.174, and 0.030, for $H parallel a$, $b$, and $c$, respectively. Such a large variation of $c_mathrm{s}$ is understood as the combination of staggered g-tensors and DM interactions which induce the staggered field in the opposite direction for $H parallel a$ and $c$ but almost the same direction for $H parallel b$ at each Cu site.
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70 - D. Senechal 1992
The $O(3)$ nonlinear $sigma$ model is studied in the disordered phase, using the techniques of the effective action and finite temperature field theory. The nonlinear constraint is implemented through a Lagrange multiplier. The finite temperature eff ective potential for this multiplier is calculated at one loop. The existence of a nontrivial minimum for this potential is the signal of a disordered phase in which the lowest excited state is a massive triplet. The mass gap is easily calculated as a function of temperature in dimensions 1, 2 and 3. In dimension 1, this gap is known as the Haldane gap, and its temperature dependence is compared with experimental results.
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