Dynamical Spin Response of Doped Two-Leg Hubbard-like Ladders

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the dynamical spin response of doped two-leg Hubbard-like ladders in the framework of a low-energy effective field theory description given by the SO(6) Gross Neveu model. Using the integrability of the SO(6) Gross-Neveu model, we derive the low energy dynamical magnetic susceptibility. The susceptibility is characterized by an incommensurate coherent mode near $(pi,pi)$ and by broad two excitation scattering continua at other $k$-points. In our computation we are able to estimate the relative weights of these contributions. All calculations are performed using form-factor expansions which yield exact low energy results in the context of the SO(6) Gross-Neveu model. To employ this expansion, a number of hitherto undetermined form factors were computed. To do so, we developed a general approach for the computation of matrix elements of semi-local SO(6) Gross-Neveu operators. While our computation takes place in the context of SO(6) Gross-Neveu, we also consider the effects of perturbations away from an SO(6) symmetric model, showing that small perturbations at best quantitatively change the physics.

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