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Interface thermal resistance between dissimilar anharmonic lattice

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 نشر من قبل Baowen Li
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study interface thermal resistance (ITR) in a system consisting of two dissimilar anharmonic lattices exemplified by Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) model and Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) model. It is found that the ITR is asymmetric, namely, it depends on how the temperature gradient is applied. The dependence of the ITR on the coupling constant, temperature, temperature difference, and system size are studied. Possible applications in nanoscale heat management and control are discussed.

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We consider an Erdos-Renyi random graph consisting of N vertices connected by randomly and independently drawing an edge between every pair of them with probability c/N so that at N->infinity one obtains a graph of finite mean degree c. In this regim e, we study the distribution of resistance distances between the vertices of this graph and develop an auxiliary field representation for this quantity in the spirit of statistical field theory. Using this representation, a saddle point evaluation of the resistance distance distribution is possible at N->infinity in terms of an 1/c expansion. The leading order of this expansion captures the results of numerical simulations very well down to rather small values of c; for example, it recovers the empirical distribution at c=4 or 6 with an overlap of around 90%. At large values of c, the distribution tends to a Gaussian of mean 2/c and standard deviation sqrt{2/c^3}. At small values of c, the distribution is skewed toward larger values, as captured by our saddle point analysis, and many fine features appear in addition to the main peak, including subleading peaks that can be traced back to resistance distances between vertices of specific low degrees and the rest of the graph. We develop a more refined saddle point scheme that extracts the corresponding degree-differentiated resistance distance distributions. We then use this approach to recover analytically the most apparent of the subleading peaks that originates from vertices of degree 1. Rather intuitively, this subleading peak turns out to be a copy of the main peak, shifted by one unit of resistance distance and scaled down by the probability for a vertex to have degree 1. We comment on a possible lack of smoothness in the true N->infinity distribution suggested by the numerics.
172 - Nuo Yang , Nianbei Li , Lei Wang 2007
We study thermal properties of one dimensional(1D) harmonic and anharmonic lattices with mass gradient. It is found that the temperature gradient can be built up in the 1D harmonic lattice with mass gradient due to the existence of gradons. The heat flow is asymmetric in the anharmonic lattices with mass gradient. Moreover, in a certain temperature region the {it negative differential thermal resistance} is observed. Possible applications in constructing thermal rectifier and thermal transistor by using the graded material are discussed.
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We employ a functional renormalization group to study interfaces in the presence of a pinning potential in $d=4-epsilon$ dimensions. In contrast to a previous approach [D.S. Fisher, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 56}, 1964 (1986)] we use a soft-cutoff scheme. With the method developed here we confirm the value of the roughness exponent $zeta approx 0.2083 epsilon$ in order $epsilon$. Going beyond previous work, we demonstrate that this exponent is universal. In addition, we analyze the generation of higher cumulants in the disorder distribution and the role of temperature as a dangerously irrelevant variable.
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