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Phonon-induced quadrupolar ordering of the magnetic superconductor TmNi$_2$B$_2$C

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 نشر من قبل Jens Jensen
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies revealing that the lattice of thulium borocarbide is distorted below T_Q = 13.5 K at zero field. T_Q increases and the amplitude of the displacements is drastically enhanced, by a factor of 10 at 60 kOe, when a magnetic field is applied along [100]. The distortion occurs at the same wave vector as the antiferromagnetic ordering induced by the a-axis field. A model is presented that accounts for the properties of the quadrupolar phase and explains the peculiar behavior of the antiferromagnetic ordering previously observed in this compound.

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We present an inelastic neutron scattering study of phonon lineshapes in the vortex state of the type-II superconductor YNi$_2$B$_2$C. In a previous study [Phys. Rev. Lett. textbf{101}, 237002 (2008)] it was shown that certain phonons exhibit a clear signature of the superconducting gap $2Delta$ on entering the superconducting state. Our interest was to find out whether or not the lineshape of such phonons reflects the inhomogeneous nature of the vortex state induced by a magnetic field smaller than the upper critical field $B_{c2}$ .We found that this is indeed the case because the observed phonon lineshapes can be well described by a model considering the phonon as a local probe of the spatial variation of the superconducting gap. We found that even at $B=3,rm{T}$, where the inter-vortex distance is less than $300,$AA, the phonon lineshape still shows evidence for a variation of the gap.
We have carried out high-field resistivity measurements up to 27,T in EuFe$_2$As$_2$ at $P$,=,2.5,GPa, a virtually optimal pressure for the $P$-induced superconductivity, where $T_mathrm{c}$,=,30,K. The $B_mathrm{c2}-T_mathrm{c}$ phase diagram has be en constructed in a wide temperature range with a minimum temperature of 1.6 K ($approx 0.05 times T_mathrm{c}$), for both $B parallel ab$ ($B_mathrm{c2}^mathrm{ab}$) and $B parallel c$ ($B_mathrm{c2}^mathrm{c}$). The upper critical fields $B_mathrm{c2}^mathrm{ab}$(0) and $B_mathrm{c2}^mathrm{c}$(0), determined by the onset of resistive transitions, are 25 T and 22 T, respectively, which are significantly smaller than those of other Fe-based superconductors with similar values of $T_mathrm{c}$. The small $B_mathrm{c2}(0)$ values and the $B_mathrm{c2}(T)$ curves with positive curvature around 20 K can be explained by a multiple pair-breaking model that includes the exchange field due to the magnetic Eu$^{2+}$ moments. The anisotropy parameter, $Gamma=B_mathrm{c2}^{ab}/B_mathrm{c2}^{c}$, in EuFe$_2$As$_2$ at low temperatures is comparable to that of other 122 Fe-based systems.
78 - D. Zhao , H. L. Wo , J. Li 2020
Here, by conducting a systematic $^{89}$Y NMR study, we explore the nature of the magnetic ground state in a newly discovered iron-based superconductor YFe$_2$Ge$_2$. An incoherent-to-coherent crossover due to the Hunds coupling induced electronic co rrelation is revealed below the crossover temperature $T^*sim 75pm15,mathrm{K}$. During the electronic crossover, both the Knight shift ($K$) and the bulk magnetic susceptibility ($chi$) exhibit a similar nonmonotonic temperature dependence, and a so-called Knight shift anomaly is also revealed by a careful $K$-$chi$ analysis. Such an electronic crossover has been also observed in heavily hole-doped pnictide superconductors emph{A}Fe$_2$As$_2$ (emph{A} = K, Rb, and Cs), which is ascribed to the Hunds coupling induced electronic correlation. Below $T^*$, the spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature $(1/T_1T)$ shows a similar suppression as the Knight shift, suggesting the absence of critical spin fluctuations. This seems to be in conflict with a predicted magnetic quantum critical point (QCP) near this system. However, considering a $mathbf{q}$-dependent filter effect on the transferred hyperfine field, a predominant spin fluctuation with A-type correlation would be perfectly filtered out at $^{89}$Y sites, which is consistent with the recent inelastic neutron scattering results. Therefore, our results confirm that, through a Hunds coupling induced electronic crossover, the magnetic ground state of YFe$_2$Ge$_2$ becomes close to an itinerant magnetic QCP with A-type spin fluctuations. In addition, the possible superconducting pairing due to spin fluctuations is also discussed.
We report an inelastic neutron scattering investigation of phonons with energies up to 159 meV in the conventional superconductor YNi$_2$B$_2$C. Using the SWEEP mode, a newly developed time-of-flight technique involving the continuous rotation of a s ingle crystal specimen, allowed us to measure a four dimensional volume in (Q,E) space and, thus, determine the dispersion surface and linewidths of the $A_{1g}$ (~ 102 meV) and $A_u$ (~ 159 meV) type phonon modes for the whole Brillouin zone. Despite of having linewidths of $Gamma = 10 meV$, $A_{1g}$ modes do not strongly contribute to the total electron-phonon coupling constant $lambda$. However, experimental linewidths show a remarkable agreement with ab-initio calculations over the complete phonon energy range demonstrating the accuracy of such calculations in a rare comparison to a comprehensive experimental data set.
483 - K. Ohishi , I. Yamada , A. Koda 2009
The internal magnetic field distribution in a mixed state of a cuprate superconductor, Ca$_{2-x}$Na$_x$CuO$_2$Cl$_2$ ($T_{rm c}simeq28.5$ K, near the optimal doping), was measured by muon spin rotation ($mu$SR) technique up to 60 kOe. The $mu$SR line width $Lambda(B)$ which exhibits excess broadening at higher fields ($B>5$ kOe) due to field-induced magnetism (FIM), is described by a relation, $Lambda(B)proptosqrt{B}$. This suggests that the orbital current and associated quasiparticle excitation plays predominant roles in stabilizing the quasistatic correlation. Moreover, a slowing down of the vortex fluctuation sets in well above $T_{rm c}$, as inferred from the trace of FIM observed up to $sim80$ K, and develops continuously without a singularity at $T_{rm c}$ as the temperature decreases.
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