Simple models suffice for the single dot quantum shuttle

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A quantum shuttle is an archetypical nanoelectromechanical device, where the mechanical degree of freedom is quantized. Using a full-scale numerical solution of the generalized master equation describing the shuttle, we have recently shown [Novotn{y} {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 92}, 248302 (2004)] that for certain limits of the shuttle parameters one can distinguish three distinct charge transport mechanisms: (i) an incoherent tunneling regime, (ii) a shuttling regime, where the charge transport is synchronous with the mechanical motion, and (iii) a coexistence regime, where the device switches between the tunneling and shuttling regimes. While a study of the cross-over between these three regimes requires the full numerics, we show here that by identifying the appropriate time-scales it is possible to derive vastly simpler equations for each of the three regimes. The simplified equations allow a clear physical interpretation, are easily solved, and are in good agreement with the full numerics in their respective domains of validity.

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