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Josephson transport through a Hubbard impurity center

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 نشر من قبل Andrei Lopatin
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the Josephson transport through a thin semiconductor barrier containing impurity centers with the on-site Hubbard interaction $u$ of an arbitrary sign and strength. We find that in the case of the repulsive interaction the Josephson current changes sign with the temperature increase if the energy of the impurity level $epsilon$ (measured from the Fermi energy of superconductors) falls in the interval $(-u,0)$. We predict strong temporal fluctuations of the current if only a few centers present within the junction. In the case of the attractive impurity potential ($u<0$) and at low temperatures, the model is reduced to the effective two level Hamiltonian allowing thus a simple description of the nonstationary Josephson effect in terms of pair tunneling processes.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present an exhaustive study of the coherent heat transport through superconductor-ferromagnet(S-F) Josephson junctions including a spin-filter (I$_{sf}$) tunneling barrier. By using the quasiclassical Keldysh Greens function technique we derive a general expression for the heat current flowing through a S/F/I$_{sf}$/F/S junction and analyze the dependence of the thermal conductance on the spin-filter efficiency, the phase difference between the superconductors and the magnetization direction of the ferromagnetic layers. In the case of non-collinear magnetizations we show explicitly the contributions to the heat current stemming from the singlet and triplet components of the superconducting condensate. We also demonstrate that the magnetothermal resistance ratio of a S/F/I$_{sf}$/F/S heat valve can be increased by the spin-filter effect under suitable conditions.
We analyze the ground state properties of an array of quantum dots connected in series between superconducting electrodes. This system is represented by a finite Hubbard chain coupled at both ends to BCS superconductors. The ground state is obtained using the Lanczos algorithm within a low energy theory in which the bulk superconductors are replaced by effective local pairing potentials. We study the conditions for the inversion of the sign of the Josephson coupling ($pi$-junction behavior) as a function of the model parameters. Results are presented in the form of phase diagrams which provide a direct overall view of the general trends as the size of the system is increased, exhibiting a strong even-odd effect. The analysis of the spin-spin correlation functions and local charges give further insight into the nature of the ground state and how it is transformed by the presence of superconductivity in the leads. Finally we study the scaling of the Josephson current with the system size and relate these results with previous calculations of Josephson transport through a Luttinger liquid.
We study the electronic current through a quantum dot coupled to two superconducting leads which is driven by either a voltage $V$ or temperature $Delta T$ bias. Finite biases beyond the linear response regime are considered. The local two-particle i nteraction $U$ on the dot is treated using an approximation scheme within the functional renormalization group approach set up in Keldysh-Nambu-space with $U$ being the small parameter. For $V>0$ we compare our renormalization group enhanced results for the dc-component of the current to earlier weak coupling approaches such as the Hartree-Fock approximation and second order perturbation theory in $U$. We show that in parameter regimes in which finite bias driven multiple Andreev reflections prevail small $|U|$ approaches become unreliable for interactions of appreciable strength. In the complementary regime the convergence of the current with respect to numerical parameters becomes an issue - but can eventually be achieved - and interaction effects turn out to be smaller then expected based on earlier results. For $Delta T>0$ we find a surprising increase of the current as a function of the superconducting phase difference in the regime which at $T=0$ becomes the $pi$ (doublet) phase.
498 - M. Houzet , A. I. Buzdin 2007
We study the Josephson current through a ferromagnetic trilayer, both in the diffusive and clean limits. For colinear (parallel or antiparallel) magnetizations in the layers, the Josephson current is small due to short range proximity effect in super conductor/ferromagnet structures. For non colinear magnetizations, we determine the conditions for the Josephson current to be dominated by another contribution originating from long range triplet proximity effect.
Nonreciprocal microwave transmission through a long Josephson junction in the flux-flow regime is studied analytically and numerically within the framework of the perturbed sine-Gordon model. We demonstrate that the maximum attenuation of the transmi tted power occurs when the direction of the flux flow is opposite to the direction of the microwave propagation. This attenuation is nonreciprocal with respect to the flux-flow direction and can be enhanced by increasing the system length and proper impedance matching of the junction ends to external transmission line.
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