HST Observations of the Serendipitous X-ray Companion to Mrk 273: Cluster at z=0.46?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We have used HST I-band images to identify Mrk 273X, the very unusual high-redshift X-ray-luminous Seyfert 2 galaxy found by ROSAT in the same field-of-view as Mrk 273. We have measured the photometric properties of Mrk 273X and have also analyzed the luminosity distribution of the faint galaxy population seen in the HST image. The luminosity of the galaxy and the properties of the surrounding environment suggest that Mrk 273X is the brightest galaxy in a relatively poor cluster at a redshift near 0.46. Its off-center location in the cluster and the presence of other galaxy groupings in the HST image may indicate that this is a dynamically young cluster on the verge of merging with its neighboring clusters. We find that Mrk 273X is a bright featureless elliptical galaxy with no evidence for a disk. It follows the de Vaucouleurs (r^{1/4}) surface brightness law very well over a range of 8 magnitudes. Though the surface brightness profile does not appear to be dominated by the AGN, the galaxy has very blue colors that do appear to be produced by the AGN. Mrk 273X is most similar to the IC 5063 class of active galaxies --- a hybrid Sy 2 / powerful radio galaxy.

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