Central Activity in the Barred Galaxy NGC 3367

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report the radio continuum structure of the barred galaxy NGC 3367 with an angular resolution of 4.5. The radio structure indicates emission from the disk and from a triple source consisting of the nucleus straddled by extended sources (the lobes). The triple source shows an excess of radio continuum emission compared to the emission expected from the total radio - Halpha correlation, suggesting a non-thermal origin probably related to AGN activity and no to star formation processes. The triple source is about 12 kpc in diameter at a P.A. 40, close (but not aligned) to that of the stellar bar P.A. 65. Only the southwest lobe is polarized. The polarizatrion asymmetry between the two lobes suggests that the triple source axis is slightly out of the plane.

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