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Infrared Extinction Toward Nearby Star-Forming Regions

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 نشر من قبل Kevin Flaherty
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف K.M. Flaherty

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We present an independent estimate of the interstellar extinction law for the Spitzer IRAC bands as well as a first attempt at extending the law to the 24micron MIPS band. The source data for these measurements are observations of five nearby star-forming regions: the Orion A cloud, NGC 2068/71, NGC 2024/23, Serpens and Ophiuchus. Color excess ratios E(H-Ks)/E(Ks-[lambda]) were measured for stars without infrared excess dust emission from circumstellar disks/envelopes. For four of these five regions, the extinction laws are similar at all wavelengths and differ systematically from a previous determination of the extinction law, which was dominated by the diffuse ISM, derived for the IRAC bands. This difference could be due to the difference in the dust properties of the dense molecular clouds observed here and those of the diffuse ISM. The extinction law at longer wavelengths toward the Ophiuchus region lies between that to the other four regions studied here and that for the ISM. In addition, we extended our extinction law determination to 24micron for Serpens and NGC 2068/71 using Spitzer MIPS data. We compare these results against several ISO extinction law determinations, although in each case there are assumptions which make absolute comparison uncertain. However, our work confirms a relatively flatter extinction curve from 4 - 8micron than the previously assumed standard, as noted by all of these recent studies. The extinction law at 24micron is consistent with previous measurements and models, although there are relatively large uncertainties.

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318 - Laurent Loinard 2009
Multi-epoch radio-interferometric observations of young stellar objects can be used to measure their displacement over the celestial sphere with a level of accuracy that currently cannot be attained at any other wavelength. In particular, the accurac y achieved using carefully calibrated, phase-referenced observations with Very Long Baseline Interferometers such as NRAOs Very Long Baseline Array is better than 50 micro-arcseconds. This is sufficient to measure the trigonometric parallax and the proper motion of any radio-emitting young star within several hundred parsecs of the Sun with an accuracy better than a few percent. Using that technique, the mean distances to Taurus, Ophiuchus, Perseus and Orion have already been measured to unprecedented accuracy. With improved telescopes and equipment, the distance to all star-forming regions within 1 kpc of the Sun and beyond, as well as their internal structure and dynamics could be determined. This would significantly improve our ability to compare the observational properties of young stellar objects with theoretical predictions, and would have a major impact on our understanding of low-mass star-formation.
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100 - T. Zafar , D. Watson , P. M{o}ller 2018
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190 - Laurent Loinard 2008
Using phase-referenced multi-epoch Very Long Baseline Array observations, we have measured the trigonometric parallax of several young stars in the Taurus and Ophiuchus star-forming regions with unprecedented accuracy. The mean distance to the Taurus complex was found to be about 140 pc, and its depth around 20 pc, comparable to the linear extent of Taurus on the plane of the sky. In Ophiuchus, 4 sources were observed so far. Two of them were found to be at about 160 pc (the distance traditionally attributed to Ophiuchus), while the other 2 are at about 120 pc. Since the entire Ophiuchus complex is only a few parsecs across, this difference is unlikely to reflect the depth of the region. Instead, we argue that two physically unrelated sites of star-formation are located along the line of sight toward Ophiuchus.
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