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What is the Total Deuterium Abundance in the Local Galactic Disk?

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 نشر من قبل Jeffrey Linsky
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Analyses of spectra obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite, together with spectra from the Copernicus and IMAPS instruments, reveal an unexplained very wide range in the observed deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) ratios for interstellar gas in the Galactic disk beyond the Local Bubble. We argue that spatial variations in the depletion of deuterium onto dust grains can explain these local variations in the observed gas-phase D/H ratios. We present a variable deuterium depletion model that naturally explains the constant measured values of D/H inside the Local Bubble, the wide range of gas-phase D/H ratios observed in the intermediate regime (log N(H I} = 19.2-20.7), and the low gas-phase D/H ratios observed at larger hydrogen column densities. We consider empirical tests of the deuterium depletion hypothesis: (i) correlations of gas-phase D/H ratios with depletions of the refractory metals iron and silicon, and (ii) correlation with the molecular hydrogen rotational temperature. Both of these tests are consistent with deuterium depletion from the gas phase in cold, not recently shocked, regions of the ISM, and high gas-phase D/H ratios in gas that has been shocked or otherwise heated recently. We argue that the most representative value for the total (gas plus dust) D/H ratio within 1 kpc of the Sun is >=23.1 +/- 2.4 (1 sigma) parts per million (ppm). This ratio constrains Galactic chemical evolution models to have a very small deuterium astration factor, the ratio of primordial to total (D/H) ratio in the local region of the Galactic disk, which we estimate to be f_d <= 1.19 +/-0.16 (1 sigma) or <= 1.12 +/- 0.14 (1 sigma) depending on the adopted light element nuclear reaction rates.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The relationship between abundances and orbital parameters for 235 F- and G-type intermediate- and low- mass stars in the Galaxy is analyzed. We found that there are abundance gradients in the thin disk in both radial and vertical directions (-0.116 dex/kpc and -0.309 dex/kpc respectively). The gradients appear to be flatter as the Galaxy evolves. No gradient is found in the thick disk based on 18 thick disk stars. These results indicate that the ELS model is mainly suitable for the evolution of the thin disk, while the SZ model is more suitable for the evolution of the thick disk. Additionally, these results indicate that in-fall and out-flow processes play important roles in the chemical evolution of the Galaxy.
130 - G. Hebrard 2005
We present a study of the deuterium abundance along the extended sight line (2.7kpc) toward HD 90087 with FUSE. Both in terms of distance and column densities, HD 90087 has the longest and densest sight line observed in the Galactic disk for which a deuterium abundance has been measured from UV absorption lines. Because many interstellar clouds are probed along this sight line, possible variations in the properties of individual clouds should be averaged out. This would yield a deuterium abundance which is characteristic of the interstellar medium on scales larger than the Local Bubble. We report D/O=(1.7+/-0.7)e-2 and D/H=(9.8+/-3.8)e-6 (2 sigma). Our new results confirm that the gas-phase deuterium abundance in the distant interstellar medium is significantly lower than the one measured within the Local Bubble. We supplement our study with a revision of the oxygen abundance toward the moderately distant star Feige 110 (~200 pc). Excluding saturated lines from the fits of the FUSE spectra is critical; this led us to derive an OI column density about two times larger than the one previously reported for Feige 110. The corresponding updated D/O ratio on this sight line is D/O=(2.6+/-1.0)e-2 (2 sigma), which is lower than the one measured within the Local Bubble. The dataset available now outside the Local Bubble shows a contrast between the constancy of D/O and the variability of D/H. As oxygen is considered to be a good proxy for hydrogen within the interstellar medium, this discrepancy is puzzling. (abstract abridged)
We systematically investigate the error sources for high-precision astrometry from adaptive optics based near-infrared imaging data. We focus on the application in the crowded stellar field in the Galactic Center. We show that at the level of <=100 m icro-arcseconds a number of effects are limiting the accuracy. Most important are the imperfectly subtracted seeing halos of neighboring stars, residual image distortions and unrecognized confusion of the target source with fainter sources in the background. Further contributors to the error budget are the uncertainty in estimating the point spread function, the signal-to-noise ratio induced statistical uncertainty, coordinate transformation errors, the chromaticity of refraction in Earths atmosphere, the post adaptive optics differential tilt jitter and anisoplanatism. For stars as bright as mK=14, residual image distortions limit the astrometry, for fainter stars the limitation is set by the seeing halos of the surrounding stars. In order to improve the astrometry substantially at the current generation of telescopes, an adaptive optics system with high performance and weak seeing halos over a relatively small field (r<=3) is suited best. Furthermore, techniques to estimate or reconstruct the seeing halo could be promising.
We discuss the way of increasing of the number of chemical elements, investigated in stellar spectra. We can reach it by using spectrum synthesis method, new atomic data and observation of stellar spectra with resolution comparable to solar spectral atlases. We show two examples of this kind researches. The first is the implementation of new atomic data to well known Przybylskis star. We show that the number of spectral lines, which can be identificated in the spectrum of this star can be significantly higher. The second example is the investigation of zeta Cyg. We found the abundances of 51 elements in the atmosphere of this mild barium star.
351 - C.A.L. Bailer-Jones 2013
Gaia will provide parallaxes and proper motions with accuracy ranging from 10 to 1000 microarcsecond on up to one billion stars. Most of these will be disk stars: for an unreddened K giant at 6 kpc, it will measure the distance accurate to 15% and th e transverse velocity to an accuracy of about 1 km/s. Gaia will observe tracers of Galactic structure across the whole HR diagram, including Cepheids, RR Lyrae, white dwarfs, F dwarfs and HB stars. Onboard low resolution spectrophotometry will permit -- in addition to a Teff estimate -- dwarf/giant discrimination, metallicity measurement and extinction determination. For the first time, then, Gaia will provide us with a 3D spatial/properties map and at least a 2D velocity map of these tracers (RVs will be obtained too for brighter stars.) This will be a goldmine of information from which to learn about the origin and evolution of the Galactic disk. I briefly review the Gaia mission, and then show how the expected astrometric accuracies translate into distance and velocity accuracies and statistics. I examine the impact Gaia should have on a few scientific areas relevant to the Galactic disk. I discuss how a better determination of the spiral arm locations and pattern speed, plus a better reconstruction of the Suns orbit over the past billion years (from integration through the Gaia-measured gravitational potential) will allow us to assess the possible role of spiral arm crossings in ice ages and mass extinctions on the Earth.
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