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Spitzer Observations of the Brightest Galaxies in X-ray-Luminous Clusters

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 نشر من قبل Eiichi Egami
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف E. Egami

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We have studied the infrared properties of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) located in the cores of X-ray-luminous clusters at 0.15 < z < 0.35. The majority of the BCGs are not particularly infrared-luminous compared with other massive early-type galaxies, suggesting that the cluster environment has little influence on the infrared luminosities of the BCGs. The exceptions, however, are the BCGs in the three X-ray-brightest clusters in the sample, A1835, Z3146, and A2390. These BCGs have a prominent far-infrared peak in their spectral energy distributions (SEDs), and two of them (those in A1835 and Z3146) can be classified as luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs: L_{IR} > 10^{11} L_{sun}). Although radio AGNs are found to be prevalent among the BCGs, the infrared luminosities of these three BCGs, judged from the infrared SED signatures, are likely to be powered by star formation. Considering the overall trend that clusters with shorter radiative gas cooling times harbor more infrared-luminous BCGs, the enhanced star formation may be caused by the cooling cluster gas accreting onto the BCGs.

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اقرأ أيضاً

175 - E.Koulouridis , M.Plionis 2010
We present a study of X-ray AGN overdensities in 16 Abell clusters, within the redshift range 0.073<z<0.279, in order to investigate the effect of the hot inter-cluster environment on the triggering of the AGN phenomenon. The X-ray AGN overdensities, with respect to the field expectations, were estimated for sources with L_x>= 10^{42} erg s^{-1} (at the redshift of the clusters) and within an area of 1 h^{-1}_{72} Mpc radius (excluding the core). To investigate the presence or not of a true enhancement of luminous X-ray AGN in the cluster area, we also derived the corresponding optical galaxy overdensities, using a suitable range of $r$-band magnitudes. We always find the latter to be significantly higher (and only in two cases roughly equal) with respect to the corresponding X-ray overdensities. Over the whole cluster sample, the mean X-ray point-source overdensity is a factor of ~4 less than that corresponding to bright optical galaxies, a difference which is significant at a >0.995 level, as indicated by an appropriate t-student test. We conclude that the triggering of luminous X-ray AGN in rich clusters is strongly suppressed. Furthermore, searching for optical SDSS counterparts of all the X-ray sources, associated with our clusters, we found that about half appear to be background QSOs, while others are background and foreground AGN or stars. The true overdensity of X-ray point sources, associated to the clusters, is therefore even smaller than what our statistical approach revealed.
154 - H. Ebeling , A.C. Edge , A. Mantz 2010
We present a statistically complete sample of very X-ray luminous galaxy clusters detected in the MAssive Cluster Survey (MACS). This second MACS release comprises all 34 MACS clusters with nominal X-ray fluxes in excess of 2x10^(-12) erg/s/cm^2 (0.1 -2.4 keV) in the ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue; two thirds of them are new discoveries. Extending over the redshift range from 0.3 to 0.5, this subset complements the complete sample of the 12 most distant MACS clusters (z>0.5) published in 2007 and further exemplifies the efficacy of X-ray selection for the compilation of samples of intrinsically massive galaxy clusters. Extensive follow-up observations with Chandra/ACIS led to three additional MACS cluster candidates being eliminated as (predominantly) X-ray point sources. For another four clusters --- which, however, remain in our sample of 34 --- the point-source contamination was found to be about 50%. The median X-ray luminosity of 1.3x10^45 erg/s (0.1-2.4 keV, Chandra, within r_500) of the clusters in this subsample demonstrates the power of the MACS survey strategy to find the most extreme and rarest clusters out to significant redshift. A comparison of the optical and X-ray data for all clusters in this release finds a wide range of morphologies with no obvious bias in favour of either relaxed or merging systems.
144 - Sean Farrell 2010
The small subset of hyper-luminous X-ray sources with luminosities in excess of ~1E41 erg/s are hard to explain without the presence of an intermediate mass black hole, as significantly super-Eddington accretion and/or very small beaming angles are r equired. The recent discovery of HLX-1, the most luminous object in this class with a record breaking luminosity of ~1E42 erg/s in the galaxy ESO 243-49, therefore currently provides some of the strongest evidence for the existence of intermediate mass black holes. HLX-1 is almost an order of magnitude brighter than the other hyper-luminous sources, and appears to exhibit X-ray spectral and flux variability similar to Galactic stellar mass black hole X-ray binaries. In this paper we review the current state of knowledge on this intriguing source and outline the results of multi-wavelength studies from radio to ultra-violet wavelengths, including imaging and spectroscopy of the recently identified optical counterpart obtained with the Very Large Telescope. These results continue to support an intermediate mass black hole in excess of 500 Msun
We present mid-infrared spectroscopy of a sample of 16 optically faint infrared luminous galaxies obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. These sources were jointly selected from Spitzer and Chandra imaging surve ys in the NDWFS Bootes field and were selected from their bright X-ray fluxes to host luminous AGN. None of the spectra show significant emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; 6.2um equivalent widths <0.2um), consistent with their infrared emission being dominated by AGN. Nine of the X-ray sources show 9.7um silicate absorption features. Their redshifts are in the range 0.9<z<2.6, implying infrared luminosities of log(L{IR})=12.5-13.6 solar luminosities. The average silicate absorption strength is not as strong as that of previously targeted optically faint infrared luminous galaxies with similar mid-infrared luminosities implying that the X-ray selection favors sources behind a smaller column of Si-rich dust than non-X-ray selection. Seven of the X-ray sources have featureless power-law mid-IR spectra. We argue that the featureless spectra likely result from the sources having weak or absent silicate and PAH features rather than the sources lying at higher redshifts where these features are shifted out of the IRS spectral window. We investigate whether there are any correlations between X-ray and infrared properties and find that sources with silicate absorption features tend to have fainter X-ray fluxes and harder X-ray spectra, indicating a weak relation between the amount of silicate absorption and column density of X-ray-absorbing gas.
We present results from the cross-correlation of the spectroscopic atlas of Ho etal (1995) with the ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue, in an attempt to understand the X-ray emission mechanisms in nearby galaxies. The resulting sample of 45 galaxies consists predominantly of AGN. However, there are several starforming galaxies spanning a wide range of X-ray luminosities (~10^{38} - 10^{42} erg s^{-1}). We have analyzed ROSAT and ASCA data for the two most luminous star-forming galaxies, namely NGC3310 and NGC3690. We find that their 0.1-10 keV X-ray spectra can be fitted by a soft thermal plasma of kT$sim0.8$ keV and a harder component with kT~10-15 keV or a power-law with Gamma~1.6. These are very similar to the spectra of the archetypal star-forming galaxies NGC253 and M82.
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