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Long Baseline Interferometry of Be Stars

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 نشر من قبل Olivier Chesneau
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We give an introduction to interferometrical concepts and their applicability to Be stars. The first part of the paper concentrates on a short historic overview and basic principles of two-beam interferometric observations. In the second part, the VLTI/MIDI instrument is introduced and its first results on Be stars, obtained on alpha Ara and delta Cen, are outlined.

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The calibration process of long baseline stellar interferometers requires the use of reference stars with accurately determined angular diameters. We present a catalog of 374 carefully chosen stars among the all-sky network of infrared sources provid ed by Cohen et al. 1999. The catalog benefits from a very good sky coverage and a median formal error on the angular diameters of only 1.2%. Besides, its groups together in a homogeneous handy set stellar coordinates, uniform and limb-darkened angular diameters, photometric measurements, and other parameters relevant to optical interferometry. In this paper, we describe the selection criteria applied to qualify stars as reference sources. Then, we discuss the catalogs statistical properties such as the sky coverage or the distributions of magnitudes and angular diameters. We study the number of available reference stars as a function of the baseline and the precision needed on the visibility measurements. Finally, we compare the angular diameters predicted in Cohen et al. 1999 with existing determinations in the literature, and find a very good agreement.
Thanks to the high spatial resolution provided by long baseline interferometry, it is possible to understand the complex circumstellar geometry around stars with the B[e] phenomenon. These stars are composed by objects in different evolutionary stage s, like high- and low-mass evolved stars, intermediate-mass pre-main sequence stars and symbiotic objects. However, up to now more than 50% of the confirmed B[e] stars are not well classified, being called unclassified B[e] stars. From instruments like VLTI/AMBER and VLTI/MIDI, we have identified the presence of gaseous and dusty circumstellar disks, which have provided us with some hints related to the nature of these objects. Here, we show our results for two galactic stars with the B[e] phenomenon, HD 50138 and CPD-529243, based on interferometric measurements.
Observations of 48 red-clump stars were obtained in the H band with the PIONIER instrument installed at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. Limb-darkened angular diameters were measured by fitting radial intensity profile I(r) to square visibili ty measurements. Half the angular diameters determined have formal errors better than 1.2%, while the overall accuracy is better than 2.7%. Average stellar atmospheric parameters (effective temperatures, metallicities and surface gravities) were determined from new spectroscopic observations and literature data and combined with precise Gaia parallaxes to derive a set of fundamental stellar properties. These intrinsic parameters were then fitted to existing isochrone models to infer masses and ages of the stars. The added value from interferometry imposes a better and independent constraint on the R-Teff plane. Our derived values are consistent with previous works, although there is a strong scatter in age between various models. This shows that atmospheric parameters, mainly metallicities and surface gravities, still suffer from a non-accurate determination, limiting constraints on input physics and parameters of stellar evolution models.
145 - Florentin Millour 2010
Dusty Wolf-Rayet stars are few but remarkable in terms of dust production rates (up to one millionth of solar mass per year). Infrared excesses associated to mass-loss are found in the sub-types WC8 and WC9. Few WC9d stars are hosting a pinwheel nebu la, indirect evidence of a companion star around the primary. While few other WC9d stars have a dust shell which has been barely resolved so far, the available angular resolution offered by single telescopes is insufficient to confirm if they also host pinwheel nebulae or not. In this article, we present the possible detection of such nebula around the star WR118. We discuss about the potential of interferometry to image more pinwheel nebulae around other WC9d stars.
Space very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) has unique applications in high-resolution imaging of fine structure of astronomical objects and high-precision astrometry due to the key long space-Earth or space-space baselines beyond the Earths diame ter. China has been actively involved in the development of space VLBI in recent years. This review briefly summarizes Chinas research progress in space VLBI and the future development plan.
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