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Stellar Properties of Pre-Main Sequence Stars from High Resolution Near-IR Spectra

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 نشر من قبل Gregory Doppmann
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف G. W. Doppmann

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We present high resolution (R=50,000) spectra at 2.2 um of 16 young stars in the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud. Photospheric features are detected in the spectra of 11 of these sources, all Class II young stellar objects. In 10 of these sources, we measure effective temperatures, continuum veiling, and vsini rotation from the shapes and strengths of atomic photospheric lines by comparing to spectral synthesis models at 2.2 um. We measure surface gravities in 2 stars from the integrated line flux ratio of the 12CO line region at 2.3 um and the Na I line region at 2.2 um. Although the majority (8/10) of the Class II stars have similar effective temperatures (3530 K +/-100 K), they exhibit a large spread in bolometric luminosities (factor ~8), as derived from near-IR photometry. In the two stars where we have surface gravity measurements from spectroscopy, the photometrically derived luminosities are systematically higher than the spectroscopic luminosities. Our spectroscopic luminosities result in older ages on the H-R diagram than is suggested by photometry at J or K. Most of our sources show a substantially larger amount of continuum excess than stellar flux at 2.2 um. The derived veiling values at K appear correlated with mid-IR disk luminosity, and with Brackett gamma equivalent width, corrected for veiling. The derived vsini rotation is substantial (12-39 km s-1), but systematically less than the rotation measured in Class I.5 (flat) and Class I sources from other studies in Ophiuchus.

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اقرأ أيضاً

151 - A. Frasca , E. Covino , L. Spezzi 2009
We performed an intensive photometric monitoring of the PMS stars falling in a field of about 10x10 arc-minutes in the vicinity of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). Photometric data were collected between November 2006 and January 2007 with the REM tel escope in the VRIJHK bands. The largest number of observations is in the I band (about 2700 images) and in J and H bands (about 500 images in each filter). From the observed rotational modulation, induced by the presence of surface inhomogeneities, we derived the rotation periods for 16 stars and improved previous determinations for the other 13. The analysis of the spectral energy distributions and, for some stars, of high-resolution spectra provided us with the main stellar parameters (luminosity, effective temperature, mass, age, and vsini). We also report the serendipitous detection of two strong flares in two of these objects. In most cases, the light-curve amplitudes decrease progressively from the R to H band as expected for cool starspots, while in a few cases, they can only be modelled by the presence of hot spots, presumably ascribable to magnetospheric accretion. The application of our own spot model to the simultaneous light curves in different bands allowed us to deduce the spot parameters and particularly to disentangle the spot temperature and size effects on the observed light curves.
194 - G. W. Doppmann 2003
We describe a technique for deriving effective temperatures, surface gravities, rotation velocities, and radial velocities from high resolution near-IR spectra. The technique matches the observed near-IR spectra to spectra synthesized from model atmo spheres. For pre-main sequence stars, we use the same matching process to also measure the amount of excess near-IR emission. The information derived from high resolution spectra comes from line shapes and the relative line strengths of closely spaced lines. The values for the stellar parameters we derive are therefore independent of those derived from low resolution spectroscopy and photometry. The new method offers the promise of improved accuracy in placing young stellar objects on evolutionary model tracks. We discuss the possible systematic effects on our determination of the stellar parameters and evaluate the accuracy of the results derivable from high resolution spectra. The analysis of high resolution near-IR spectra of MK standards shows that the technique gives very accurate values for the effective temperature. The biggest uncertainty in comparing our results with optical spectral typing of MK standards is in the spectral type to effective temperature conversion for the standards themselves. Even including this uncertainty, the 1 sigma difference between the optical and IR temperatures for 3000-5800 K dwarfs is only 140 K. In a companion paper (Doppmann, Jaffe, & White 2003), we present an analysis of heavily extincted young stellar objects rho Oph.
This paper describes the analysis of UVES and GIRAFFE spectra acquired by the Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey in the fields of young clusters whose population includes pre-main sequence (PMS) stars. Both methods that have been extensively used i n the past and new ones developed in the contest of the Gaia-ESO survey enterprise are available and used. The internal precision of these quantities is estimated by inter-comparing the results obtained by such different methods, while the accuracy is estimated by comparison with independent external data, like effective temperature and surface gravity derived from angular diameter measurements, on a sample of benchmarks stars. Specific strategies are implemented to deal with fast rotation, accretion signatures, chromospheric activity, and veiling. The analysis carried out on spectra acquired in young clusters fields during the first 18 months of observations, up to June 2013, is presented in preparation of the first release of advanced data products. Stellar parameters obtained with the higher resolution and larger wavelength coverage from UVES are reproduced with comparable accuracy and precision using the smaller wavelength range and lower resolution of the GIRAFFE setup adopted for young stars, which allows us to provide with confidence stellar parameters for the much larger GIRAFFE sample. Precisions are estimated to be $approx$ 120 K r.m.s. in Teff, $approx$0.3 dex r.m.s. in logg, and $approx$0.15 dex r.m.s. in [Fe/H], for both the UVES and GIRAFFE setups.
The mid-IR detection rate of water lines in disks around Herbig stars disks is about 5%, while it is around 50% for disks around TTauri stars. The reason for this is still unclear. In this study, we want to find an explanation for the different detec tion rates between low mass and high mass pre-main-sequence stars (PMSs) in the mid-IR regime. We run disk models with stellar parameters adjusted to spectral types B9 through M2, using the radiation thermo-chemical disk modeling code ProDiMo. We produce convolved spectra at the resolution of Spitzer IRS, JWST MIRI and VLT VISIR spectrographs. We apply random noise derived from typical Spitzer spectra for a direct comparison with observations. The strength of the mid-IR water lines correlates directly with the luminosity of the central star. We explored a small parameter space around a standard disk model, considering dust-to-gas mass ratio, disk gas mass, mixing coefficient for dust settling, flaring index, dust maximum size and size power law distribution index. The models show that it is possible to suppress the water emission, however, current observations are not sensitive enough to detect mid-IR lines in disks for most of the explored parameters. The presence of noise in the spectra, combined with the high continuum flux (noise level is proportional to the continuum flux), is the most likely explanation for the non detections towards Herbig stars. Mid-IR spectra with resolution higher than 20000 are needed to investigate water in protoplanetary disks. Intrinsic differences in disk structure, e.g. inner gaps, gas-to-dust ratio, dust size and distribution, and inner disk scale height, between Herbig and TTauri star disks are able to explain a lower water detection rate in disks around Herbig stars.
134 - C. Argiroffi 2004
We report on the analysis of high resolution X-ray spectra of two pre-main-sequence stars: TWA 5 (observed with XMM-Newton) and PZ Telescopii (observed with Chandra/HETGS). TWA 5 is a classical T Tauri star in the TW Hydrae association while PZ Tel i s a rapidly rotating weak-lined T Tauri star in the beta-Pictoris moving group. For both stars we have reconstructed the emission measure distribution and derived the coronal abundances to check for possible patterns of the abundances related to the first ionization potential of the various elements. We have also derived estimates of the plasma density from the analysis of the He-like triplets. We compare the characteristics of our targets with those of other pre-main sequence stars previously analyzed by other authors: TW Hya, HD 98800 and HD 283572. Our findings suggest that X-ray emission from classical T Tauri and weak-lined T Tauri stars is produced in all cases by magnetically-heated coronae, except for TW Hya which has unique plasma temperatures and densities. Moreover we derive that TWA 5 has the same peculiar Ne/Fe abundance ratio as TW Hya.
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