Spin Profile of Galactic Halos and Disk Formation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We summarize recent developments in the study of the origin of halo spin profiles and preliminary implications on disk formation. The specific angular-momentum distributions within halos in N-body simulations match a universal shape, M(<j) propto j/(j_0+j). It is characterized by a power law over most of the mass, and one shape parameter in addition to the spin parameter lambda. The angular momentum tends to be aligned throughout the halo and of cylindrical symmetry. Even if angular momentum is conserved during baryonic infall, the resultant disk density profile is predicted to deviate from exponential, with a denser core and an extended tail. A slightly corrected version of the scaling relation due to linear tidal-torque theory is used to explain the origin of a typical power-law profile in shells, j(M) propto M^s with s gsim 1. While linear theory crudely predicts the amplitudes of halo spins, it is not a good predictor of their directions. Independently, mergers of halos are found to produce a similar profile due to j transfer from the orbit to the product halo via dynamical friction and tidal stripping. The halo spin is correlated with having a recent major merger, though this correlation is weakened by mass loss. These two effects are due to a correlation between the spins of neighboring halos and their orbit, leading to prograde mergers.

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