The Behind The Plane Survey - source selection, identifications and completeness

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We present details of the Behind The Plane survey of IRAS galaxies, which extends the PSCz survey to cover the 93% of the sky with complete and reliable IRAS data from the Point Source Catalog. At low latitudes, our catalogue is not complete to 0.6Jy, but the incompleteness is physically understood and can be corrected for. IRAS galaxies at low latitudes are heavily or completely obscured optically, and are heavily outnumbered by Galactic sources with similar IRAS properties. We have used radio, optical, mm, near and far-infrared data to identify the galaxies, and the 2D catalogue is now complete. We have used optical and HI spectroscopy to obtain redshifts for the galaxies; the southern spectroscopy is completed and the north nearly so.

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