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Acceleration of CR at Large Scale Shocks and Their Cosmological Role for Structure Formation in the Universe

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 نشر من قبل Francesco Miniati
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Francesco Miniati

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We investigate the dynamical importance of a newly recognized possible source of significant feedback generated during structure formation; namely cosmic ray (CR) pressure. We present evidence for the existence of numerous shocks in the hot gas of galaxy clusters (GCs). We employ for the first time an explicit numerical treatment of CR acceleration and transport in hydro simulations of structure formation. According to our results, CRs provide an important fraction of the total pressure inside GCs, up to several tenths. This was true even at high redshift (z=2), meaning that such non-thermal component could affect the evolution of structure formation.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the properties of cosmological shock waves identified in high-resolution, N-body/hydrodynamic simulations of a $Lambda$CDM universe and their role on thermalization of gas and acceleration of nonthermal, cosmic ray (CR) particles. External s hocks form around sheets, filaments and knots of mass distribution when the gas in void regions accretes onto them. Within those nonlinear structures, internal shocks are produced by infall of previously shocked gas to filaments and knots, and during subclump mergers, as well as by chaotic flow motions. Due to the low temperature of the accreting gas, the Mach number of external shocks is high, extending up to $Msim 100$ or higher. In contrast, internal shocks have mostly low Mach numbers. For all shocks of $Mge1.5$ the mean distance between shock surfaces over the entire computed volume is $sim4 h^{-1}$ Mpc at present, or $sim 1 h^{-1}$ Mpc for internal shocks within nonlinear structures. Identified external shocks are more extensive, with their surface area $sim2$ times larger than that of identified internal shocks at present. However, especially because of higher preshock densities, but also due to higher shock speeds, internal shocks dissipate more energy. Hence, the internal shocks are mainly responsible for gas thermalization as well as CR acceleration. In fact, internal shocks with $2 la M la 4$ contribute $sim 1/2$ of the total dissipation. Using a nonlinear diffusive shock acceleration model for CR protons, we estimate the ratio of CR energy to gas thermal energy dissipated at cosmological shock waves to be $sim1/2$ through the history of the universe. Our result supports scenarios in which the intracluster medium contains energetically significant populations of CRs.
In this paper, we analyze the effects of expansion on large scale structure formation in our Universe. We do that by incorporating a cosmological constant term in the gravitational partition function. This gravitational partition function with a cosm ological constant is used for analyzing the thermodynamics of this system. We analyze the virial expansion for this system, and obtain its equation of state. It is observed that the generalization of this equation of state is like the Van der Waals equation. We also analyze a gravitational phase transition in this system using the mean field theory. We construct the cosmic energy equation for this system of galaxies, and discuss its consequences. We obtain and analyze the distribution function for this system, using the gravitational partition function. We also compare the results obtained in this paper with the observational data.
186 - Lung-Yih Chiang 2005
In the standard picture of cosmological structure formation, the Universe we see today is evolved under the gravitational instability from tiny random fluctuations. In this talk I discuss the onset of non-linearity in the large scale structure format ion of the Universe when the linear perturbation theory break downs. Using 1D Zeldovich Approximation which provides an exact solution for density evolution, I illustrate two effects: mode spawning and mode merging and their connection to mode coupling. Those mode couplings (quadratic, cubic >...etc.) from gravitational clustering are in fact what the polyspectra (bispectrum, trispectrum...etc.) are meant to measure.
300 - Jaan Einasto 2009
A short overview is given on the development of our present paradigm of the large scale structure of the Universe with emphasis on the role of Ya. B. Zeldovich. Next we use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data and show that the distribution of phases of density waves of various scale in the present-day Universe are correlated. Using numerical simulations of structure evolution we show that the skeleton of the cosmic web was present already in an early stage of the evolution of structure. The positions of maxima and minima of density waves (their phases) are the more stable, the larger is the wavelength. The birth of the first generation of stars occured most probably in the central regions of rich proto-superclusters where the density was highest in the early Universe.
Cosmological shock waves during structure formation not only play a decisive role for the thermalization of gas in virializing structures but also for the acceleration of relativistic cosmic rays (CRs) through diffusive shock acceleration. We discuss a novel numerical treatment of the physics of cosmic rays in combination with a formalism for identifying and measuring the shock strength on-the-fly during a smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation. In our methodology, the non-thermal CR population is treated self-consistently in order to assess its dynamical impact on the thermal gas as well as other implications on cosmological observables. Using this formalism, we study the history of the thermalization process in high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of the Lambda cold dark matter model. Collapsed cosmological structures are surrounded by shocks with high Mach numbers up to 1000, but they play only a minor role in the energy balance of thermalization. However, this finding has important consequences for our understanding of the spatial distribution of CRs in the large-scale structure. In high resolution simulations of galaxy clusters, we find a low contribution of the averaged CR pressure, due to the small acceleration efficiency of lower Mach numbers of flow shocks inside halos and the softer adiabatic index of CRs. However, within cool core regions, the CR pressure reaches equipartition with the thermal pressure leading there to a lower effective adiabatic index and thus to an enhanced compressibility of the central intracluster medium. This effect increases the central density and pressure of the cluster and thus the resulting X-ray emission and the central Sunyaev-Zeldovich flux decrement. The integrated Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, however, is only slightly changed.
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