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Continuous-wave stability and multi-pulse structures in a universal Complex Ginzburg-Landau model for passively mode-locked lasers with saturable absorber

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 نشر من قبل Alain Moise Dikande Pr.
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The dynamics and stability of continuous-wave and multi-pulse structures are studied theoretically, for a generalized model of passively mode-locked fiber laser with an arbitrary nonlinearity. The model is characterized by a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with saturable nonlinearity of a general form ($I^m/(1+Gamma I)^n$), where $I$ is the field intensity, $m$ and $n$ are two positive real numbers and $Gamma$ is the optical field saturation power. The analysis of fixed-point solutions of the governing equations, reveals an interesting loci of singular points in the amplitude-frequency plane consisting of zero, one or two fixed points depending upon the values of $m$ and $n$. The stability of continuous waves is analyzed within the framework of the modulational-instability theory, results demonstrate a bifurcation in the continuous-wave amplitude growth rate and propagation constant characteristic of multi-periodic wave structures. In the full nonlinear regime these multi-periodic wave structures turn out to be multi-pulse trains, unveiled via numerical simulations of the model nonlinear equation the rich variety of which is highlighted by considering different combinations of values for the pair ($m$,$n$). Results are consistent with previous analyses of the dynamics of multi-pulse structures in several contexts of passively mode-locked lasers with saturable absorber, as well as with predictions about the existence of multi-pulse structures and bound-state solitons in optical fibers with strong optical nonlinearity such as cubic-quintic and saturable nonlinearities.

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اقرأ أيضاً

In this paper, we analyze the formation and dynamical properties of discrete light bullets (dLBs) in an array of passively mode-locked lasers coupled via evanescent fields in a ring geometry. Using a generic model based upon a system of nearest-neigh bor coupled Haus master equations we show numerically the existence of dLBs for different coupling strengths. In order to reduce the complexity of the analysis, we approximate the full problem by a reduced set of discrete equations governing the dynamics of the transverse profile of the dLBs. This effective theory allows us to perform a detailed bifurcation analysis via path-continuation methods. In particular, we show the existence of multistable branches of discrete localized states (dLSs), corresponding to different number of active elements in the array. These branches are either independent of each other or are organized into a snaking bifurcation diagram where the width of the dLS grows via a process of successive increase and decrease of the gain. Mechanisms are revealed by which the snaking branches can be created and destroyed as a second parameter, e.g., the linewidth enhancement factor or the coupling strength are varied. For increasing couplings, the existence of moving bright and dark dLSs is also demonstrated.
We formulate and study dynamics from a complex Ginzburg-Landau system with saturable nonlinearity, including asymmetric cross-phase modulation (XPM) parameters. Such equations can model phenomena described by complex Ginzburg-Landau systems under the added assumption of saturable media. When the saturation parameter is set to zero, we recover a general complex cubic Ginzburg-Landau system with XPM. We first derive conditions for the existence of bounded dynamics, approximating the absorbing set for solutions. We use this to then determine conditions for amplitude death of a single wavefunction. We also construct exact plane wave solutions, and determine conditions for their modulational instability. In a degenerate limit where dispersion and nonlinearity balance, we reduce our system to a saturable nonlinear Schrodinger system with XPM parameters, and we demonstrate the existence and behavior of spatially heterogeneous stationary solutions in this limit. Using numerical simulations we verify the aforementioned analytical results, while also demonstrating other interesting emergent features of the dynamics, such as spatiotemporal chaos in the presence of modulational instability. In other regimes, coherent patterns including uniform states or banded structures arise, corresponding to certain stable stationary states. For sufficiently large yet equal XPM parameters, we observe a segregation of wavefunctions into different regions of the spatial domain, while when XPM parameters are large and take different values, one wavefunction may decay to zero in finite time over the spatial domain (in agreement with the amplitude death predicted analytically). While saturation will often regularize the dynamics, such transient dynamics can still be observed - and in some cases even prolonged - as the saturability of the media is increased, as the saturation may act to slow the timescale.
We study the effect of noise on the dynamics of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers both experimentally and theoretically. A method combining analytical and numerical approaches for estimation of pulse timing jitter is proposed. We investigate how the presence of dynamical features such as wavelength bistability affects timing jitter.
We demonstrate that the intrinsic properties of monolayer graphene allow it to act as a more effective saturable absorber for mode-locking fiber lasers compared to multilayer graphene. The absorption of monolayer graphene can be saturated at lower ex citation intensity compared to multilayer graphene, graphene with wrinkle-like defects, and functionalized graphene. Monolayer graphene has a remarkable large modulation depth of 95.3%, whereas the modulation depth of multilayer graphene is greatly reduced due to nonsaturable absorption and scattering loss. Picoseconds ultrafast laser pulse (1.23 ps) can be generated using monolayer graphene as saturable absorber. Due to the ultrafast relaxation time, larger modulation depth and lower scattering loss of monolayer graphene, it performs better than multilayer graphene in terms of pulse shaping ability, pulse stability and output energy.
208 - D. Y. Tang , L. M. Zhao , B. Zhao 2009
We report results of numerical simulations on the multiple soliton generation and soliton energy quantization in a soliton fiber ring laser passively mode-locked by using the nonlinear polarization rotation technique. We found numerically that the fo rmation of multiple solitons in the laser is caused by a peak power limiting effect of the laser cavity. It is also the same effect that suppresses the soliton pulse collapse, an intrinsic feature of solitons propagating in the gain media, and makes the solitons stable in the laser. Furthermore, we show that the soliton energy quantization observed in the lasers is a natural consequence of the gain competition between the multiple solitons. Enlightened by the numerical result we speculate that the multi-soliton formation and soliton energy quantization observed in other types of soliton fiber lasers could have similar mechanism.
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