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Harmonic flow of $mathrm{Spin}(7)$-structures

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 نشر من قبل Henrique S\\'a Earp
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We formulate and study the isometric flow of $mathrm{Spin}(7)$-structures on compact $8$-manifolds, as an instance of the harmonic flow of geometric structures. Starting from a general perspective, we establish Shi-type estimates and a correspondence between harmonic solitons and self-similar solutions for arbitrary isometric flows of $H$-structures. We then specialise to $H=mathrm{Spin}(7)subsetmathrm{SO}(8)$, obtaining conditions for long-time existence, via a monotonicity formula along the flow, which actually leads to an $varepsilon$-regularity theorem. Moreover, we prove Cheeger--Gromov and Hamilton-type compactness theorems for the solutions of the harmonic flow, and we characterise Type-$mathrm{I}$ singularities as being modelled on shrinking solitons.We also establish a Bryant-type description of isometric $mathrm{Spin}(7)$-structures, based on squares of spinors, which may be of independent interest.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We give a twistorial interpretation of geometric structures on a Riemannian manifold, as sections of homogeneous fibre bundles, following an original insight by Wood (2003). The natural Dirichlet energy induces an abstract harmonicity condition, whic h gives rise to a geometric gradient flow. We establish a number of analytic properties for this flow, such as uniqueness, smoothness, short-time existence, and some sufficient conditions for long-time existence. This description potentially subsumes a large class of geometric PDE problems from different contexts. As applications, we recover and unify a number of results in the literature: for the isometric flow of ${rm G}_2$-structures, by Grigorian (2017, 2019), Bagaglini (2019), and Dwivedi-Gianniotis-Karigiannis (2019); and for harmonic almost complex structures, by He (2019) and He-Li (2019). Our theory also establishes original properties regarding harmonic flows of parallelisms and almost contact structures.
117 - Weiyong He , Bo Li 2019
We define and study the harmonic heat flow for almost complex structures which are compatible with a Riemannian structure $(M, g)$. This is a tensor-valued version of harmonic map heat flow. We prove that if the initial almost complex structure $J$ h as small energy (depending on the norm $| abla J|$), then the flow exists for all time and converges to a Kahler structure. We also prove that there is a finite time singularity if the initial energy is sufficiently small but there is no Kahler structure in the homotopy class. A main technical tool is a version of monotonicity formula, similar as in the theory of the harmonic map heat flow. We also construct an almost complex structure on a flat four tori with small energy such that the harmonic heat flow blows up at finite time with such an initial data.
We describe the $10$-dimensional space of $Sp(2)$-invariant $G_2$-structures on the homogeneous $7$-sphere $S^7=Sp(2)/Sp(1)$ as $mathbb{R}^+times Gl^+(3,mathbb{R})$. In those terms, we formulate a general Ansatz for $G_2$-structures, which realises r epresentatives in each of the $7$ possible isometric classes of homogeneous $G_2$-structures. Moreover, the well-known nearly parallel round and squashed metrics occur naturally as opposite poles in an $S^3$-family, the equator of which is a new $S^2$-family of coclosed $G_2$-structures satisfying the harmonicity condition $div T=0$. We show general existence of harmonic representatives of $G_2$-structures in each isometric class through explicit solutions of the associated flow and describe the qualitative behaviour of the flow. We study the stability of the Dirichlet gradient flow near these critical points, showing explicit examples of degenerate and nondegenerate local maxima and minima, at various regimes of the general Ansatz. Finally, for metrics outside of the Ansatz, we identify families of harmonic $G_2$-structures, prove long-time existence of the flow and study the stability properties of some well-chosen examples.
An almost contact metric structure is parametrized by a section of an associated homogeneous fibre bundle, and conditions for this to be a harmonic section, and a harmonic map, are studied. These involve the characteristic vector field, and the almos t complex structure in the contact subbundle. Several examples are given where the harmonic section equations reduce to those for the characteristic field to be a harmonic section of the unit tangent bundle. These include trans-Sasakian structures, and certain nearly cosymplectic structures. On the other hand, we obtain examples where the characteristic field is harmonic but the almost contact structure is not. Many of our examples are obtained by considering hypersurfaces of almost Hermitian manifolds, with the induced almost contact structure, and comparing the harmonic section equations for both structures.
266 - Pengshuai Shi 2013
In this paper, we study the singularities of two extended Ricci flow systems --- connection Ricci flow and Ricci harmonic flow using newly-defined curvature quantities. Specifically, we give the definition of three types of singularities and their co rresponding singularity models, and then prove the convergence. In addition, for Ricci harmonic flow, we use the monotonicity of functional $ u_alpha$ to show the connection between finite-time singularity and shrinking Ricci harmonic soliton. At last, we explore the property of ancient solutions for Ricci harmonic flow.
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