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Recent years have seen a strong uptick in both the prevalence and real-world consequences of false information spread through online platforms. At the same time, encrypted messaging systems such as WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram, are rapidly gaining popularity as users seek increased privacy in their digital lives. The challenge we address is how to combat the viral spread of misinformation without compromising privacy. Our FACTS system tracks user complaints on messages obliviously, only revealing the messages contents and originator once sufficiently many complaints have been lodged. Our system is private, meaning it does not reveal anything about the senders or contents of messages which have received few or no complaints; secure, meaning there is no way for a malicious user to evade the system or gain an outsized impact over the complaint system; and scalable, as we demonstrate excellent practical efficiency for up to millions of complaints per day. Our main technical contribution is a new collaborative counting Bloom filter, a simple construction with difficult probabilistic analysis, which may have independent interest as a privacy-preserving randomized count sketch data structure. Compared to prior work on message flagging and tracing in end-to-end encrypted messaging, our novel contribution is the addition of a high threshold of multiple complaints that are needed before a message is audited or flagged. We present and carefully analyze the probabilistic performance of our data structure, provide a precise security definition and proof, and then measure the accuracy and scalability of our scheme via experimentation.
Anonymous networks have enabled secure and anonymous communication between the users and service providers while maintaining their anonymity and privacy. The hidden services in the networks are dynamic and continuously change their domains and servic
With the rise of social media, it has become easier to disseminate fake news faster and cheaper, compared to traditional news media, such as television and newspapers. Recently this phenomenon has attracted lot of public attention, because it is caus
In dealing with altered visual multimedia content, also referred to as fake news, we present a ready-to-deploy extension of the current public key infrastructure (PKI), to provide an endorsement and integrity check platform for newsworthy visual mult
As cloud computing becomes prevalent in recent years, more and more enterprises and individuals outsource their data to cloud servers. To avoid privacy leaks, outsourced data usually is encrypted before being sent to cloud servers, which disables tra
Blockchain brings various advantages to online transactions. However, the total transparency of these transactions may leakage users sensitive information. Requirements on both cooperation and anonymity for companies/organizations become necessary. I