On long time asymptotic behavior of the defocusing schrodinger equation with finite density initial data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the Cauchy problem for the defocusing Schr$ddot{text{o}}$dinger (NLS) equation with finite density initial data begin{align} &iq_t+q_{xx}-2(|q|^2-1)q=0, onumber &q(x,0)=q_0(x), quad lim_{x to pm infty}q_0(x)=pm 1. onumber end{align} Recently, for the space-time region $|x/(2t)|<1$ without stationary phase points on the jump contour, Cuccagna and Jenkins presented the asymptotic stability of the $N$-soliton solutions for the NLS equation by using the $bar{partial}$ generalization of the nonlinear steepest descent method. Their asymptotic result is the form begin{align} q(x,t)= T(infty)^{-2} q^{sol,N}(x,t) + mathcal{O}(t^{-1 }). end{align} However, for the space-time region $ |x/(2t)|>1$, there will be two stationary points appearing on the jump contour, the corresponding long-time asymptotics is still unknown. In this paper, for the region $|x/(2t)|>1, x/t=mathcal{O}(1)$, we found a different asymptotic expansion $$ q(x,t)= e^{-ialpha(infty)} left( q_{sol}(x,t;sigma_d^{(out)}) +t^{-1/2} h(x,t) right)+mathcal{O}left(t^{-3/4}right),$$ whose leading term is $N$-soliton solutions; the second $t^{-1/2}$ order term is soliton-soliton and soliton-radiation interactions; and the third term $mathcal{O}(t^{-3/4})$ is a residual error from a $overlinepartial$-equation. Additionally, the asymptotic stability property for the N-soliton solutions of the defocusing NLS equation sufficiently is obtained.

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