SWSR: A Chinese Dataset and Lexicon for Online Sexism Detection

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Online sexism has become an increasing concern in social media platforms as it has affected the healthy development of the Internet and can have negative effects in society. While research in the sexism detection domain is growing, most of this research focuses on English as the language and on Twitter as the platform. Our objective here is to broaden the scope of this research by considering the Chinese language on Sina Weibo. We propose the first Chinese sexism dataset -- Sina Weibo Sexism Review (SWSR) dataset --, as well as a large Chinese lexicon SexHateLex made of abusive and gender-related terms. We introduce our data collection and annotation process, and provide an exploratory analysis of the dataset characteristics to validate its quality and to show how sexism is manifested in Chinese. The SWSR dataset provides labels at different levels of granularity including (i) sexism or non-sexism, (ii) sexism category and (iii) target type, which can be exploited, among others, for building computational methods to identify and investigate finer-grained gender-related abusive language. We conduct experiments for the three sexism classification tasks making use of state-of-the-art machine learning models. Our results show competitive performance, providing a benchmark for sexism detection in the Chinese language, as well as an error analysis highlighting open challenges needing more research in Chinese NLP. The SWSR dataset and SexHateLex lexicon are publicly available.

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