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Further study of $f_0(1710)$ with coupled-channel approach and hadron molecular picture

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 نشر من قبل Zheng Li Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The $f_0(1710)$ was previously proposed to be dynamically generated state by interactions between vector mesons. We extend the study of $f_0(1710)$ by including its coupling to channels of pseudoscalar mesons within coupled-channel approach. The channels involved are $K^*bar{K}^*,rhorho,omegaomega,phiphi, omegaphi,pipi,Kbar{K},etaeta$. We show that the pole assigned to $f_0(1710)$ does not change much. Then we calculate the partial decay widths of $f_0(1710) to K^*bar{K}^* to pipi,Kbar{K},etaeta$ as the coupled channel dynamically generated state as well as assuming it to be pure $K^*bar{K}^*$ molecule. In both cases the ratios of partial decay widths agree fairly with that in PDG.

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