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Imaging low-mass planets within the habitable zones of nearby stars with ground-based mid-infrared imaging

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 نشر من قبل Kevin Wagner
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Giant exoplanets on 10-100 au orbits have been directly imaged around young stars. The peak of the thermal emission from these warm young planets is in the near-infrared (~1-5 microns), whereas mature, temperate exoplanets (i.e., those within their stars habitable zones) radiate primarily in the mid-infrared (mid-IR: ~10 microns). If the background noise in the mid-IR can be mitigated, then exoplanets with low masses--including rocky exoplanets--can potentially be imaged in very deep exposures. Here, we review the recent results of the Breakthrough Watch/New Earths in the Alpha Centauri Region (NEAR) program on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. NEAR pioneered a ground-based mid-IR observing approach designed to push the capabilities for exoplanet imaging with a specific focus on the closest stellar system, Alpha Centauri. NEAR combined several new optical technologies--including a mid-IR optimized coronagraph, adaptive optics system, and rapid chopping strategy to mitigate noise from the central star and thermal background within the habitable zone. We focus on the lessons of the VLT/NEAR campaign to improve future instrumentation--specifically on strategies to improve noise mitigation through chopping. We also present the design and commissioning of the Large Binocular Telescopes Exploratory Survey for Super-Earths Orbiting Nearby Stars (LESSONS), an experiment in the Northern hemisphere that is building on what was learned from NEAR to further push the sensitivity of mid-IR imaging. Finally, we briefly discuss some of the possibilities that mid-IR imaging will enable for exoplanet science.

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95 - K. Wagner , A. Boehle , P. Pathak 2021
Giant exoplanets on wide orbits have been directly imaged around young stars. If the thermal background in the mid-infrared can be mitigated, then exoplanets with lower masses can also be imaged. Here we present a ground-based mid-infrared observing approach that enables imaging low-mass temperate exoplanets around nearby stars, and in particular within the closest stellar system, Alpha Centauri. Based on 75-80% of the best quality images from 100 hours of cumulative observations, we demonstrate sensitivity to warm sub-Neptune-sized planets throughout much of the habitable zone of Alpha Centauri A. This is an order of magnitude more sensitive than state-of-the-art exoplanet imaging mass detection limits. We also discuss a possible exoplanet or exozodiacal disk detection around Alpha Centauri A. However, an instrumental artifact of unknown origin cannot be ruled out. These results demonstrate the feasibility of imaging rocky habitable-zone exoplanets with current and upcoming telescopes.
One of the primary goals of exoplanet science is to find and characterize habitable planets, and direct imaging will play a key role in this effort. Though imaging a true Earth analog is likely out of reach from the ground, the coming generation of g iant telescopes will find and characterize many planets in and near the habitable zones (HZs) of nearby stars. Radial velocity and transit searches indicate that such planets are common, but imaging them will require achieving extreme contrasts at very small angular separations, posing many challenges for adaptive optics (AO) system design. Giant planets in the HZ may even be within reach with the latest generation of high-contrast imagers for a handful of very nearby stars. Here we will review the definition of the HZ, and the characteristics of detectable planets there. We then review some of the ways that direct imaging in the HZ will be different from the typical exoplanet imaging survey today. Finally, we present preliminary results from our observations of the HZ of {alpha} Centauri A with the Magellan AO systems VisAO and Clio2 cameras.
146 - Eric S. Perlman 2013
We present high spatial resolution MIR observations for several nearby radio loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGN), which were obtained using the Gemini North and South telescopes. Of the six observed objects, we detected five in the Si-2 (8.7 microns) and Si-6 (12.3 microns) filters, of which two objects show some evidence of low level extended emission surrounding the unresolved nucleus. In Pictor A, we also obtained an image in Qs (18.3 microns) that has a flux of only half that seen in the Spitzer image, suggesting structure on arcsecond scales. We also used the Si-6 (12.3 microns) flux measurement to investigate correlation between our MIR flux and xray luminosity and compare this to results for AGN in general. This work also forms a basis for future high resolution imaging and spectroscopy of these objects.
In todays mailing, Hogg et al. propose image modeling techniques to maintain 10-ppm-level precision photometry in Kepler data with only two working reaction wheels. While these results are relevant to many scientific goals for the repurposed mission, all modeling efforts so far have used a toy model of the Kepler telescope. Because the two-wheel performance of Kepler remains to be determined, we advocate for the consideration of an alternate strategy for a >1 year program that maximizes the science return from the low-torque fields across the ecliptic plane. Assuming we can reach the precision of the original Kepler mission, we expect to detect 800 new planet candidates in the first year of such a mission. Our proposed strategy has benefits for transit timing variation and transit duration variation studies, especially when considered in concert with the future TESS mission. We also expect to help address the first key science goal of Kepler: the frequency of planets in the habitable zone as a function of spectral type.
102 - B.W. Holwerda 2018
AIMS: We aim to evaluate the near-infrared colors of brown dwarfs as observed with four major infrared imaging space observatories: the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Euclid mission, and the WFIRST telescope. METHODS: We used the SPLAT SPEX/ISPEX spectroscopic library to map out the colors of the M-, L-, and T-type dwarfs. We have identified which color-color combination is optimal for identifying broad type and which single color is optimal to then identify the subtype (e.g., T0-9). We evaluated each observatory separately as well as the narrow-field (HST and JWST) and wide-field (Euclid and WFIRST) combinations. RESULTS: The Euclid filters perform poorly typing brown dwarfs and WFIRST performs only marginally better, despite a wider selection of filters. WFIRSTs W146 and F062 combined with Euclids Y-band discriminates somewhat better between broad brown dwarf categories. However, subtyping with any combination of Euclid and WFIRST observations remains uncertain due to the lack of medium or narrow-band filters. We argue that a medium band added to the WFIRST filter selection would greatly improve its ability to preselect brown dwarfs its imaging surveys. CONCLUSIONS: The HST filters used in high-redshift searches are close to optimal to identify broad stellar type. However, the addition of F127M to the commonly used broad filter sets would allow for unambiguous subtyping. An improvement over HST is one of two broad and medium filter combinations on JWST: pairing F140M with either F150W or F162M discriminates very well between subtypes.
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