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SimCleaner -- Sistema de Padronizac{c}~ao de Bases de Dados utilizando Func{c}~oes de Similaridade

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 نشر من قبل Carlos Diego Nascimento Damasceno
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) process permits the detection of pattern in databases, where this analysis may be compromised if database is not consistent, making necessary the use of data cleaning techniques. This paper presents a tool based in similarity functions to help the preprocessing of databases and it behaved efficiently in the standardization of a System of Public Security of the State of Para database and may be reused with other databases and other data mining projects.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The legacy of Jordans canonical form on Poincares algebraic practices. This paper proposes a transversal overview on Henri Poincares early works (1878-1885). Our investigations start with a case study of a short note published by Poincare on 1884 : S ur les nombres complexes. In the perspective of todays mathematical disciplines - especially linear algebra -, this note seems completely isolated in Poincares works. This short paper actually exemplifies that the categories used today for describing some collective organizations of knowledge fail to grasp both the collective dimensions and individual specificity of Poincares work. It also highlights the crucial and transversal role played in Poincares works by a specific algebraic practice of classification of linear groups by reducing the analytical representation of linear substitution to their Jordans canonical forms. We then analyze in detail this algebraic practice as well as the roles it plays in Poincares works. We first provide a micro-historical analysis of Poincares appropriation of Jordans approach to linear groups through the prism of the legacy of Hermites works on algebraic forms between 1879 and 1881. This mixed legacy illuminates the interrelations between all the papers published by Poincare between 1878 and 1885 ; especially between some researches on algebraic forms and the development of the theory of Fuchsian functions. Moreover, our investigation sheds new light on how the notion of group came to play a key role in Poincares approach. The present paper also offers a historical account of the statement by Jordan of his canonical form theorem. Further, we analyze how Poincare transformed this theorem by appealing to Hermites
271 - Pascal Boyer 2013
We define and study new filtrations called of stratification of a perverse sheaf on a scheme; beside the cases of the weight or monodromy filtrations, these filtrations are available whatever are the ring of coefficients. We illustrate these construc tions in the geometric situation of the simple unitary Shimura varieties of Harris and Taylors book for the perverse sheaves of Harris-Taylor and the complex of vanishing cycles, introduced and studied in my 2009 paper at inventiones. In the situation studied in loc. cit., we show how to use these filtrations to simplify the principal step of this paper; the cases of finite field or ring of integer of a local field will be studied in the next published paper.
150 - Jean-Claude Juhel 2010
The effect of leverage on liquidity is a tool for analysing the level of liquidity for a given production process. It measures the sensitivity of the level of liquidity that results from changes in the volume of production and unit operating margin. A commercial activity is liquid at the moment when all costs are covered by revenues. However, not all of the cash flows from production influence liquidity levels. The estimated costs do not directly influence the level of liquidity. Therefore, two indicators are to be taken into consideration: the elasticity of ongoing liquidity - fixed costs include estimated costs, and, the elasticity of immediate liquidity - fixed costs only include costs that are payable. The coefficients of leverage of ongoing liquidity and of leverage of immediate liquidity in relation to the operating margin have a behaviour that is identical to that calculated in relation to production. If the productive capacity remains unchanged, the regulation of the change in elasticity of the costs and of its influence on the unitary operating margin is the sole parameter available to the entrepreneur to maintain the liquidity of the company at the desired level. But, if the productive capacity is variable, the entrepreneur can use the volume of sales to control liquidity but then the transformation of the production process must be analysed so as to adjust the relevant elements to retain in the operating structure the degree of liquidity wished for.
We introduce a notion of positive pair of contact structures on a 3-manifold which generalizes a previous definition of Eliashberg-Thurston and Mitsumatsu. Such a pair gives rise to a locally integrable plane field $lambda$. We prove that if $lambda$ is uniquely integrable and if both structures of the pair are tight, then the integral foliation of $lambda$ doesnt contain any Reeb component whose core curve is homologous to zero. Moreover, the ambient manifold carries a Reebless foliation. We also show a stability theorem `a la Reeb for positive pairs of tight contact structures.
144 - Sylvain Crovisier 2009
Les travaux presentes dans ce memoire portent sur la dynamique de diffeomorphismes de varietes compactes. Pour letude des proprietes generiques ou pour la construction dexemples, il est souvent utile de savoir perturber un syst`eme. Ceci soul`eve gen eralement des probl`emes delicats : une modification locale de la dynamique peut engendrer un changement brutal du comportement des orbites. En topologie C^1, nous proposons diverses techniques permettant de perturber tout en contr^olant la dynamique : mise en transversalite, connexion dorbites, perturbation de la dynamique tangente, realisation dextensions... Nous en tirons diverses applications `a la description de la dynamique des diffeomorphismes C^1-generiques. <p> This memoir deals with the dynamics of diffeomorphisms of compact manifolds. For the study of generic properties or for the construction of examples, it is often useful to be able to perturb a system. This generally leads to delicate problems: a local modification of the dynamic may cause a radical change in the behavior of the orbits. For the C^1 topology, we propose various techniques which allow to perturb while controlling the dynamic: setting in transversal position, connection of orbits, perturbation of the tangent dynamics,... We derive various applications to the description of the C^1-generic diffeomorphisms.
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