Hubble-induced phase transitions on the lattice with applications to Ricci reheating

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Using 3+1 classical lattice simulations, we follow the symmetry breaking pattern and subsequent non-linear evolution of a spectator field non-minimally coupled to gravity when the post-inflationary dynamics is given in terms of a stiff equation-of-state parameter. We find that the gradient energy density immediately after the transition represents a non-negligible fraction of the total energy budget, steadily growing to equal the kinetic counterpart. This behaviour is reflected on the evolution of the associated equation-of-state parameter, which approaches a universal value $1/3$, independently of the shape of non-linear interactions. Combined with kination, this observation allows for the generic onset of radiation domination for arbitrary self-interacting potentials, significantly extending previous results in the literature. The produced spectrum at that time is, however, non-thermal, precluding the naive extraction of thermodynamical quantities like temperature. Potential identifications of the spectator field with the Standard Model Higgs are also discussed.

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