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The localized characterization for the singularity formation in the Navier-Stokes equations

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 نشر من قبل Wenke Tan
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف W. Tan

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This paper is concerned with the localized behaviors of the solution $u$ to the Navier-Stokes equations near the potential singular points. We establish the concentration rate for the $L^{p,infty}$ norm of $u$ with $3leq pleqinfty$. Namely, we show that if $z_0=(t_0,x_0)$ is a singular point, then for any $r>0$, it holds begin{align} limsup_{tto t_0^-}||u(t,x)-u(t)_{x_0,r}||_{L^{3,infty}(B_r(x_0))}>delta^*, otag end{align} and begin{align} limsup_{tto t_0^-}(t_0-t)^{frac{1}{mu}}r^{frac{2}{ u}-frac{3}{p}}||u(t)||_{L^{p,infty}(B_r(x_0))}>delta^* otag for~3<pleqinfty, ~frac{1}{mu}+frac{1}{ u}=frac{1}{2}~and~2leq uleqfrac{2}{3}p, otag end{align}where $delta^*$ is a positive constant independent of $p$ and $ u$. Our main tools are some $varepsilon$-regularity criteria in $L^{p,infty}$ spaces and an embedding theorem from $L^{p,infty}$ space into a Morrey type space. These are of independent interests.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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In this paper, we present strong numerical evidences that the $3$D incompressible axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate diffusion coefficients and smooth initial data of finite energy develop a potential finite time locally self-simila r singularity at the origin. The spatial part of the degenerate diffusion coefficient is a smooth function of $r$ and $z$ independent of the solution and vanishes like $O(r^2)+O(z^2)$ near the origin. This potential singularity is induced by a potential singularity of the $3$D Euler equations. An important feature of this potential singularity is that the solution develops a two-scale traveling wave that travels towards the origin. The two-scale feature is characterized by the property that the center of the traveling wave approaches the origin at a slower rate than the rate of the collapse of the singularity. The driving mechanism for this potential singularity is due to two antisymmetric vortex dipoles that generate a strong shearing layer in both the radial and axial velocity fields. Without the viscous regularization, the $3$D Euler equations develop an additional small scale characterizing the thickness of the sharp front. On the other hand, the Navier-Stokes equations with a constant diffusion coefficient regularize the two-scale solution structure and do not develop a finite time singularity for the same initial data. The initial condition is designed in such a way that it generates a positive feedback loop that enforces a strong nonlinear alignment of vortex stretching, leading to a stable locally self-similar blowup at the origin. We perform careful resolution study and asymptotic scaling analysis to provide further support of the potential finite time locally self-similar blowup.
208 - Daoyuan Fang , Chenyin Qian 2012
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68 - W. Tan , Z.Yin 2021
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305 - M. Gisclon 2014
In this paper we consider the barotropic compressible quantum Navier-Stokes equations with a linear density dependent viscosity and its limit when the scaled Planck constant vanish. Following recent works on degenerate compressible Navier-Stokes equa tions, we prove the global existence of weak solutions by the use of a singular pressure close to vacuum. With such singular pressure, we can use the standard definition of global weak solutions which also allows to justify the limit when the scaled Planck constant denoted by $epsilon$ tends to 0.
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