Semi-supervised Active Regression

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Labelled data often comes at a high cost as it may require recruiting human labelers or running costly experiments. At the same time, in many practical scenarios, one already has access to a partially labelled, potentially biased dataset that can help with the learning task at hand. Motivated by such settings, we formally initiate a study of $semi-supervised$ $active$ $learning$ through the frame of linear regression. In this setting, the learner has access to a dataset $X in mathbb{R}^{(n_1+n_2) times d}$ which is composed of $n_1$ unlabelled examples that an algorithm can actively query, and $n_2$ examples labelled a-priori. Concretely, denoting the true labels by $Y in mathbb{R}^{n_1 + n_2}$, the learners objective is to find $widehat{beta} in mathbb{R}^d$ such that, begin{equation} | X widehat{beta} - Y |_2^2 le (1 + epsilon) min_{beta in mathbb{R}^d} | X beta - Y |_2^2 end{equation} while making as few additional label queries as possible. In order to bound the label queries, we introduce an instance dependent parameter called the reduced rank, denoted by $R_X$, and propose an efficient algorithm with query complexity $O(R_X/epsilon)$. This result directly implies improved upper bounds for two important special cases: (i) active ridge regression, and (ii) active kernel ridge regression, where the reduced-rank equates to the statistical dimension, $sd_lambda$ and effective dimension, $d_lambda$ of the problem respectively, where $lambda ge 0$ denotes the regularization parameter. For active ridge regression we also prove a matching lower bound of $O(sd_lambda / epsilon)$ on the query complexity of any algorithm. This subsumes prior work that only considered the unregularized case, i.e., $lambda = 0$.

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